Dermatitis herpetiformis


Salient features


·       DH is a cutaneous manifestation of celiac disease (CD) and is associated with gluten sensitivity in virtually all cases


·       DH and CD are genetic disorders strongly associated with the HLA-DQ2 genotype, in which IgA anti-endomysial antibodies are directed against tissue transglutaminase; the presumed auto antigen within the skin is epidermal transglutaminase


·       Both the intestinal and cutaneous disease in DH can be controlled by gluten restriction; while only cutaneous rash respond to sulfone therapy





Dermatitis herpetiformis is an inflammatory cutaneous disease with a chronic-relapsing course, pruritic polymorphic lesions and typical histopathological and immunopathological findings. There is growing evidence that dermatitis herpetiformis should be considered the specific phenotypic cutaneous expression of a gluten-sensitive enteropathy indistinguishable from celiac disease. Although over 90% of DH patients have evidence of a gluten-sensitive enteropathy, only about 20% have intestinal symptoms of celiac disease (CD). Both dermatitis herpetiformis and celiac disease are multifactorial disorders in which genetic and environmental triggering factors play a crucial role, leading to specific lesions in small bowel and skin, respectively. Both conditions are characterized by the development of IgA auto antibodies against transglutaminases that, in the case of dermatitis herpetiformis, IgA antitransglutaminase auto antibodies are deposited in the dermal papillae which lead to neutrophil infiltration and blister formation. Strong associations with HLA DQ2 (in 80–90% of patients) and HLA DQ8 (in 10–20% of patients) have been demonstrated in both diseases. Both the skin and the intestinal disease respond to gluten restriction and recur with institution of a gluten-containing diet.


Four findings support the diagnosis of DH:

1.   Pruritic papulovesicles or excoriated papules on extensor surfaces

2.   Neutrophilic infiltration of the dermal papillae with vesicle formation at the dermal–epidermal junction

3.   Granular deposition of IgA within the dermal papillae of clinically normal-appearing skin adjacent to a lesion (this is essential for the diagnosis and occurs at the site of eventual inflammation)

4.   A response of the skin disease, but not the intestinal disease, to dapsone therapy and worsening of symptoms with inorganic iodide ingestion.

Although DH is usually a lifelong condition, the course may wax and wane. A spontaneous remission may occur in up to 10% of patients, but most clinical remissions are related to dietary gluten restriction.






Dermatitis herpetiform is usually presents in the third decade, although individuals of any age can be affected.




DH is commoner in men than women, with a male to female ratio of 2: 1.



The pathogenesis of DH is based on a number of clinical and laboratory observations. The key observations that have been integrated into theories of pathogenesis are:


·       A strong genetic association with the HLA genotype DQ A1*0501, B1*02 (which encodes HLA-DQ2 heterodimers), in addition to other unidentified non-HLA genes


·       Some degree of gluten-sensitive enteropathy on small bowel biopsy in virtually all patients, accompanied by stimulation of the mucosal immune system


·       Granular IgA deposition within the papillary dermis of the skin (this is essential for the diagnosis and occurs at the site of eventual inflammation)


·       Improvement of symptoms with dapsone therapy and worsening of symptoms with inorganic iodide ingestion.


Genetic predisposition


Specific HLA genes, which encode molecules that interact with T-cell receptors, are believed to provide the antigenic specificity that processes the gliadin antigen in genetically susceptible individuals. This HLA association is the same for patients with CD and DH. Genes encoding the DQ2 (A1*0501, B1*02) heterodimer are carried by 90% of CD and DH patients, while genes encoding the DQ8 (A1*03, B1*03) heterodimer are carried by the remaining DH patients.


Gluten-sensitive enteropathy

On small bowel biopsy, more than 90% of DH patients have some degree of gluten-sensitive enteropathy. The bowel abnormality is caused by gluten, a family of grain proteins present in wheat, rye, and barley, but not oats.  Gliadin represents the alcohol-soluble fraction of glutenis and is believed to be the antigenic component. The spectrum of intestinal involvement ranges from minimal infiltration of the lamina propria by lymphocytes (with normal villi), to minimal atrophy of the jejunum accompanied by intraepithelial lymphocytic infiltrates, to total villous atrophy of the small intestine. The enteropathy is often patchy and may require multiple small bowel samples for diagnosis. Symptomatic malabsorption occurs in 20% of patients with DH.

Following ingestion of gluten-containing grains, one of the products of digestion is gliadin. Once gliadin is absorbed via the lamina propria, glutamine residues within gliadin are deamidated by tissue transglutaminase (TG2) and covalent cross-links (isopeptidyl bonds) are formed between lysine residues in TG2 and glutamines in gliadin. Deamidation by TG2 is thought to be a critical step as it serves to optimize antigen presentation.


Proposed pathogenesis of dermatitis herpetiformis and celiac disease

A Dietary wheat, barley or rye is processed by digestive enzymes into antigenic gliadin peptides, which are transported intact across the mucosal epithelium. Within the lamina propria, tissue transglutaminase (TG2): (1) deamidates glutamine residues within gliadin peptides to glutamic acid; and (2) becomes covalently cross-linked to gliadin peptides via isopeptidyl bonds (formed between gliadin glutamine and TG2 lysine residues). B CD4+ T cells in the lamina propria recognize deamidated gliadin peptides presented by HLA-DQ2 or -DQ8 molecules on antigen-presenting cells, resulting in the production of Th1 cytokines and matrix metalloproteinases that cause mucosal epithelial cell damage and tissue remodeling. In addition, TG2-specific B cells take up TG2–gliadin complexes and present gliadin peptides to gliadin-specific helper T cells, which stimulate the B cells to produce IgA anti-TG2. C Over time, in the setting of continued exposure to gliadin,  IgA directed against TG3 (IgA anti-TG3) forms as a result of epitope spreading in patients who already have IgA anti-TG2 antibodies and both IgA anti-TG2 and IgA anti-TG3 circulate in the bloodstream. D When IgA anti-TG3 antibodies reach the dermis, they complex with TG3 antigens which have been produced by keratinocytes (epidermal TG) and then have diffused into the dermis. That is, IgA/TG3 immune complexes are formed locally within the papillary dermis. This leads to neutrophil chemotaxis (with formation of neutrophilic abscesses), degranulation of neutrophils releases proteolytic enzymes that disrupt the lamina lucida, and subepidermal blister formation.


Deamidated gliadin peptides bind to the groove of the HLA-DQ2 molecule on dendritic antigen-presenting cells, and the gliadin antigen is then presented to sensitized helper T cells in the context of HLA-DQ2 specificity. These helper T cells can stimulate B cells, with differentiated plasma cells producing IgA antibodies to multiple antigens, including gliadin, gliadin cross-linked to TG2, TG2, and epidermal transglutaminase (TG3). In addition, stimulated natural killer lymphocytes cause crypt hyperplasia and villous atrophy. Of note, IgA anti-TG2 antibodies have become the serologic hallmark for CD.

In the setting of continued exposure to gliadin, epitope spreading is thought to lead to development of IgA anti-TG3 antibodies in patients who already have IgA anti-TG2 antibodies; a subgroup of those who develop IgA anti-TG3 antibodies then develop DH. Epitope spreading is a possible explanation for why DH tends to present at a later age than symptomatic CD (the latter often manifests in childhood) and why patients with CD (but not DH) tend to have more severe intestinal disease than patients with DH. Formation of IgA anti-TG3 antibodies is thought to require time and continued exposure to gluten and this would be more likely to occur in patients with less severe, relatively asymptomatic intestinal involvement. Findings in support of this theory include the presence of IgA anti-TG2 antibodies in most DH patients and a higher prevalence of IgA anti-TG3 antibodies in adults than in children with CD (i.e. developing later in the evolution of the disease).

The formation of IgA anti-TG3 antibodies also activates circulating neutrophils. Deposition of these antibodies within the dermal papillae results in the infiltration of activated neutrophils from the circulation into the dermal papillae. Degranulation of neutrophils releases proteases which disrupt the lamina lucida and produce a subepidermal blister.

Since both the skin disease and the intestinal disease resolve with dietary gluten restriction and recur with return to a regular diet, it is clear that the dietary protein gluten is central to the pathogenesis of the cutaneous eruption. In addition, it is the HLA class II antigen that acts as a gate through which gluten can reach the inflammatory cells and initiate the autoimmune process.


Cross-reactivity hypothesis for the onset of dermatitis herpetiformis in people with celiac disease

Gliadin proteins in gluten are absorbed by the gut and enter the lamina propria where they need to be deamidated by tissue transglutanimase (tTG). tTG modifies gliadin into a more immunogenic peptide. Classical dendritic cells (cDCs) endocytose the immunogenic peptide and if their pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) are stimulated by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) or danger-associated molecular pattern (DAMPs), the danger signal will influence them to secrete IL-8 (CXCL8) in the lamina propria, recruiting neutrophils. Neutrophil recruitment results in a very rapid onset of inflammation. Therefore, co-infection with microbes that carry PAMPs may be necessary for the initial onset of symptoms in gluten sensitivity, but would not be necessary for successive encounters with gluten due to the production of memory B and T cells. In celiac disease, tTG is treated as an autoantigen, especially in people with certain HLA-DQ2 and HLA-DQ8 alleles and other gene variants that cause atopy. tTG is up-regulated after gluten absorption. cDCs endocytosetTG-modified gliadin complexes or modified gliadin alone but they only present gliadin to CD4+ T cells on pMHC-II complexes. These T cells become activated and polarised into type I helper T (Th1) cells. Th1 cells against gliadin have been discovered, but none against tTG. A naive B cell sequesters tTG-modified gliadin complexes from the surface of cDCs in the lymph nodes (LNs) before they become endocytosed by the cDCs. The B cell receptor (membrane bound antibody; BCR) is specific to the tTG portion of the complex. The B cell endocytoses the complex and presents the modified gliadin to the activated Th1 cell's T cell receptor (TCR) via pMHC-II. Thus, the B cell presents the foreign peptide (modified gliadin) but produces antibodies specific for the self-antigen (tTG). Once the B cell becomes activated, it differentiates into plasma cells that secrete auto antibodies against tTG, which may be cross-reactive with epidermal transglutanimase (eTG). Class A antibodies (IgA) deposit in the gut. Some may bind to the CD89 (FcaRI) receptor on macrophages (M1) via their Fc region (constant region). This will trigger endocytosis of the tTG-IgA complex, resulting in the activation of macrophages. Macrophages secrete more IL-8, propagating the neutrophil-mediated inflammatory response. In dermatitis herpetiformis, the purportedly cross-reactive auto antibodies may migrate to the skin. IgA deposits may form if the antibodies cross-react with epidermal transglutanimase (eTG). Macrophages may be stimulated to secrete IL-8 by the same process as is seen in the gut, causing neutrophils to accumulate at sites of high eTG concentrations in the dermal papillae of the skin. Neutrophils produce puss in the dermal papillae, generating characteristic blisters. IL-31 accumulation at the blisters may intensify itching sensations. Memory B and T cells may become activated in the absence of PAMPs and DAMPs during successive encounters with tTG-modified gliadin complexes or modified gliadin alone, respectively. Symptoms of dermatitis herpetiformis are often resolved if patients avoid a gluten-rich diet.


Circulating antibodies

The first serologic difference between DH and CD was initially described in 2002, with TG3 identified as the auto antigen in DH. Additional studies have demonstrated that circulating IgA anti-TG3 antibodies are not only elevated in patients with DH, but can be assayed and may be helpful in monitoring response to a gluten-free diet. TG3 is also found to co-localize with IgA in dermal papillae of DH patients and is enzymatically active in this site. TG3 is expressed in many tissues of the body, including the epidermis. When IgA anti-TG3 antibodies reach the dermis, they complex with TG3 antigens which have been produced by keratinocytes (epidermal TG) and then have diffused into the dermis. In other words, IgA/TG3 immune complexes are formed locally within the papillary dermis.


In DH skin, IgA-bound deposits of TG3 are enzymatically active and therefore the TG3 likely plays an important role in the covalent binding of IgA to connective tissue fibres. Enzymatically active TG3 also binds to soluble fibrinogen whose subsequent degradation may play a key pathogenic role.

Dermatitis herpetiformis – DIF



A Granular IgA deposition along the dermal–epidermal junction of normal-appearing skin adjacent to a lesion.

B Granular deposition of epidermal transglutaminase (TG3) within the dermal papillae, which co-localizes with the IgA.


Granular IgA deposition

Granular IgA deposition within dermal papillae is the hallmark of DH. The deposits are composed of IgA1 antibodies directed against TG3 antigen that has diffused from the epidermis. Circulating IgA antibodies to TG2 (an endomysial antigen) have been identified by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy using a monkey esophagus substrate, and the presence of these antibodies correlates with the degree of gluten-sensitive enteropathy. IgA anti-TG2 antibodies are not responsible for the IgA deposition in skin.


Iodide and Dapsone

Ingestion of iodide can lead to worsening of DH and topical application of iodide onto the normal skin of DH patients produces lesions that are histologically identical to spontaneous lesions. Even in normal subjects, topical iodides may produce follicular neutrophilic pustules. The mechanism by which iodide stimulates neutrophil infiltration into the skin is unclear.

Dapsone is known to have an effect on neutrophil chemotaxis and neutrophil attachment to IgA in vitro. Although the exact mechanism of its beneficial effect in DH is unknown, it seems likely that dapsone blocks the neutrophil-mediated inflammatory process.


Associated Disorders and Malignancies

A strong association exists between DH and thyroid disease, particularly Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.  The incidence of enteropathy-associated T-cell small bowel lymphoma is also increased in patients with DH and warrants increased surveillance. Of note, adhering to a gluten-free diet protects against lymphoma in this population. This further supports advising patients with DH to adhere to a strict gluten-free diet for life.






1.   Autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis)

2.   Insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes mellitus


1.   Pernicious anemia


1.   Addison’s disease

2.   Autoimmune chronic active hepatitis

3.   Alopecia areata

4.   Myasthenia gravis

5.   Sarcoidosis

6.   Systemic sclerosis (scleroderma)

7.   Sjögren’s syndrome

8.   Systemic lupus erythematosus

9.   Vitiligo


Clinical Features



The principal symptom of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis is itch. Itching of variable intensity, scratching and burning sensation immediately preceding the development of lesions are common. Patients report a rash, most typically over the extensor surfaces of the elbows, knees, buttocks and scalp. Although small bowel involvement in dermatitis herpetiformis is often asymptomatic in adults, it can be associated with abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, iron deficiency and reduced growth rates in children. There may be complaints of other autoimmune diseases including hypothyroidism.




DH has a symmetric distribution and favors the elbows (90%), knees (30%), extensor forearms, shoulders, back, buttocks, sacral region, and face. Isolated scalp involvement is an occasional clinical presentation. The primary lesions are pleomorphic, with urticarial plaques, papules and vesicles. Grouped or “herpetiform” papulovesicles with an erythematous base are characteristic. Because the condition is so pruritic, intact vesicles are rarely seen and the patient may simply present with excoriations, erosions, crusting and hyper pigmentation. Even if only hemorrhagic crusts or secondary changes from scratching are present, the diagnosis should be suspected on the basis of the distribution of lesions. Lesions heal without scarring. Less common presentations are isolated facial involvement, exclusively macular lesions, and punctate purpura on the palms and soles. Mucosal change may occur, and dental abnormalities have been reported, particularly enamel pits. Interestingly, firstdegree relatives of patient with GSE may also show enamel defects.

Pattern of distribution



Complications and comorbidities


The principal complications and comorbidities of dermatitis herpetiformis relate to GSE and the associated risk of small bowel lymphoma. GSE may lead to malabsorption resulting in anaemia, weight loss and osteoporosis. Rarely, GSE (and consequently dermatitis herpetiformis) may be associated with neurological changes including ataxia and neuropathy.



Disease course and prognosis


Dermatitis herpetiformis is a chronic disease that requires patients to adopt a longterm glutenfree diet. Those that are able to do this, and respond, seem to have excellent longterm survival and are able to decrease or discontinue dapsone treatment. Recent data suggest that patients with GSE who do not respond to a glutenfree diet do poorly. Whilst the disease is a chronic one, remission is recognized, and seems to be more common in adult patients over the age of 40 years.




The diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis is made by the presence of characteristic clinical features, histopathology, direct IF testing and serology.



For routine histology, it is optimal to capture a small, intact vesicle. If this is not available, an area of erythema should be biopsied. Areas of erythema will show dermal papillary edema and neutrophil infiltration associated with a superficial perivascular lymphocytic infiltrate. Dermal papillae filled with neutrophils and very few eosinophils, with relative sparing of the lowermost tips of the intervening rete ridges, is a characteristic finding. When an intact vesicle is biopsied, a sub epidermal blister containing predominantly neutrophils is seen. Histopathology of a dermatitis herpetiformis skin lesion can be evocative, but not diagnostic, and a non-specific histopathologic picture is often documented. Thus, if DIF is positive, a biopsy for histology is not necessary.



Direct immunofluorescence (DIF) testing


DIF of uninvolved skin is the gold standard for the diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis. Two different patterns of DIF are possible: (i) granular deposits in the dermal papillae and (ii) granular deposits along the basement membrane. Sometimes, a combination of both patterns, consisting in granular IgA deposition along the basement membrane with accentuation at the tips of the dermal papillae, may be present.


In patients with DH, dermal IgA deposits are not uniformly distributed throughout the skin. Notably, IgA deposits are present in greater amounts near active lesions. The optimal biopsy site for direct immunofluorescence (DIF) testing is normal-appearing skin immediately adjacent to a lesion, best on the buttocks. A false-negative DIF can occur if lesional skin is biopsied, since the inflammatory infiltrate can destroy the IgA. A definitive diagnosis of DH cannot be made without this diagnostic DIF finding. Granular IgA deposits localized to the dermal papillae are found in 85% of cases of DH, while continuous granular deposition of IgA along the basement membrane occurs in 5% to 10% of cases. A fibrillar pattern of IgA deposition occurs rarely.

The lack of histologic and immunopathologic confirmation is a source of misdiagnosis and confusion in DH. Since DH is a lifelong diagnosis with significant systemic and therapeutic implications, definitive immunopathologic confirmation of the diagnosis is essential in all cases.




Serologic findings

Serologic tests, and in particular IgA anti-tTG and EMA testing, have become relatively sensitive and specific tools for initial detection of gluten-sensitive disease and therefore of dermatitis herpetiformis.

Anti-tTG belongs to the IgA1 subclass and is directed against tTG antigen. tTG share a 64% homology with epidermal TG, which represents the target auto antigen of dermatitis herpetiformis, as recently demonstrated. Anti-tTG are measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and are a useful marker of bowel damage and diet adherence in dermatitis herpetiformis/celiac disease patients. In dermatitis herpetiformis, IgA anti-tTG has specificity higher than 90%, and a sensitivity ranging from 47% to 95%.

EMA belong to the IgA1 subclass and are directed against primate smooth muscle reticular connective tissue. The endomysium is the connective tissue covering the smooth muscle layers of the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. The detection of EMA is based on an indirect immunofluorescence assay on monkey esophagus and it is more time-consuming and operator-dependent than the one of anti-tTG ELISA testing. EMA testing has shown specificity close to 100%, and a sensitivity ranging from 52% to 100% for the diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis. As for anti-tTG, EMA are usually absent in patients on GFD and thus represent a useful diet-compliance marker in celiac disease/dermatitis herpetiformis subjects.

Other auto antibodies, such as antigliadin antibodies and antireticulin antibodies, are no longer considered a sensitive and specific marker of dermatitis herpetiformis. Their detection predates the previously described serologic tests, but the diagnostic performance is not advantageous compared with that of IgA anti-tTG and EMA.

Interestingly, very recently, it has been shown that tests detecting both antibody isotypes (IgA and IgG) against deamidated synthetic gliadin-derived peptides may be considered as the most reliable serologic tool in order to identify gluten sensitivity in dermatitis herpetiformis patients. However, further studies are required to confirm such findings.


Other tests to be performed in dermatitis herpetiformis patients

Although unnecessary for dermatitis herpetiformis diagnosis, other tests such as small bowel biopsy, HLA testing, screening for autoimmune diseases and associated conditions and evaluation of malabsorption should be performed in dermatitis herpetiformis patients to have an accurate global assessment of the patient.


Steatorrhea in 20 to 30%) and abnormal D-xylose absorption in 10 to 73% is found. Anemia is secondary to iron or folate deficiency. Endoscopy of small bowel: blunting and flattening of the villi (80 to 90%) in the small bowel as in celiac disease. Lesions are focal; verification is by small-bowel biopsy.


Small bowel biopsy

Since dermatitis herpetiformis can be considered the cutaneous counterpart of celiac disease, a proven diagnosis of dermatitis herpetiformis in a patient should be used as diagnostic tool for bowel damage recognition. Accordingly, small bowel biopsy would be unnecessary in dermatitis herpetiformis patients, and diet adherence would be monitored by serological testing and skin lesions observation (as it is known, dermatitis herpetiformis lesions usually recur within few days after gluten ingestion). Indeed, very recently, it has been suggested that small bowel biopsy is no longer regarded as mandatory for the diagnosis of celiac disease at least in a subgroup of patients.



HLA haplotypes testing

As in celiac disease, virtually all patients with dermatitis herpetiformis carry either HLA DQ2 or HLA DQ8 haplotypes. Thus, the presence of these alleles provides a sensitivity of close to 100% for dermatitis herpetiformis and a very high negative predictive value for the disease (i.e. if individuals lack the relevant disease-associated alleles, celiac disease is virtually excluded). HLA testing for the relevant DQ alleles can be a very useful adjunct in an exclusionary sense when the diagnosis based on other test results is not clear. In contrast, given the marked prevalence of the celiac disease-associated HLA class II alleles in the general population, the specificity of these alleles for the disease is poor.


Screening for autoimmune diseases and associated conditions

Considering the increased incidence of immunomediated diseases and associated conditions, several screening tests should be performed in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. Nonspecific antibodies, such as antithyroid peroxidase (in almost 20% of patients), antigastric parietal cells (in 10–25% of patients), antinuclear and anti-Ro/SSA antibodies, should be tested in celiac disease/dermatitis herpetiformis patients. The presence of such antibodies correlates with autoimmune predisposition of celiac disease/dermatitis herpetiformis patients. Furthermore, testing for thyroid disease (TSH, T3 and T4)27 and for diabetes (glucose) should be performed.

Finally, although, a very recent work has shown lack of increased risk of lymphoma in people with dermatitis herpetiformis in comparison to the general population, it is recommended to pay clinical attention to the potential development of intestinal or extra intestinal lymphoma.


Screening first-degree relatives for celiac disease

Since the incidence of celiac disease is higher in dermatitis herpetiformis/celiac disease patients’ relatives, a screening for celiac disease in first degree relatives of the patients should be done. However, although the utility of testing for celiac disease in symptomatic first-degree relatives is clear, there is currently little evidence to support screening in asymptomatic first-degree relatives.





DGP = IgA and IgG anti-deamidated synthetic Giadin derived peptides (DGP), EMA= anti-endomysial antibodies

IgA anti-tTG and anti-endomysial antibodies (EMA) can be monitored over time to assess compliance with a gluten-free diet. Because the anti-endomysial antibody assay is based upon analysis of indirect immunofluorescence, it is more expensive and not as readily available as the IgA anti-tTG antibody assay; thus, the recommendation that the latter assay be performed first. Ab, antibody; DIF, direct immunofluorescence; tTG, tissue transglutaminase.






Cutaneous lesion

Grouped papules and small vesicles, often excoriated

Small vesicles and/or large bullae

Large tense bullae


Extensor surfaces, symmetrical

Similar to DH or BP

Trunk, extremities, occasionally mucosal surfaces


Sub epidermal bullae with neutrophilic infiltrate

Sub epidermal bullae with neutrophilic infiltrate

Sub epidermal bullae with eosinophilic infiltrate

Direct IF

Granular IgA in dermal papillae

Linear IgA at BMZ, possibly also IgG

Linear IgG and C3 at BMZ

Site to biopsy for direct IF

Adjacent normal-appearing skin



Indirect IF


Linear IgA at BMZ (70%)

Linear IgG at BMZ (70%)








Normal (20%)

Dapsone responsiveness


Good, may also require systemic corticosteroids

Minimal to moderate



Diagnosis and differential diagnosis

Grouped papulovesicles at predilection sites accompanied by severe pruritus are highly suggestive. Biopsy usually diagnostic, but IgA deposits in perilesional skin detected by IF are the best confirming evidence. Differential diagnosis are allergic contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, scabies, neurotic excoriations, papular urticaria, and bullous autoimmune disease



The treatment of DH includes a gluten-free diet (GFD) and dapsone, as well as a combination of the two therapies. Because several months of gluten-free diet therapy are needed for a response, most patients with dermatitis herpetiformis require concurrent pharmacological intervention to control their disease in the short to medium term. Dapsone and related sulphonamide drugs have proven highly effective. 



The cornerstone of longterm dermatitis herpetiformis management is strict adherence to a glutenfree diet (which includes corn, rice and oats).  A GFD is the treatment of choice for patients with celiac disease/dermatitis herpetiformis since both the enteropathy and the cutaneous rash depend on gluten. GFD alleviates gastrointestinal symptoms much more rapidly than the rash: it takes an average of 2 years of GFD for complete elimination of the cutaneous lesions, which invariably recurs within 12 weeks after the reintroduction of gluten. The following advantages observed in dermatitis herpetiformis patients on a long-term GFD are reduced or no need for medication, resolution of enteropathy and the correlated malabsorption of essential nutrients (and therefore prevention of alimentary deficiency of iron, vitamin B12 and folate), a general feeling of well-being, protective effects against development of intestinal lymphoma.  IgA antibodies may disappear from the dermal-epidermal junction after many years of a strict GFD. On reintroduction of gluten, IgA deposits reappear in the skin and skin disease return. In addition, minor fluctuations in disease severity are most likely related to oral gluten intake. The gluten-free diet is inconvenient and unacceptable to some patients.


The cereal species whose proteins are toxic to patients with celiac disease/dermatitis herpetiformis are grasses of the tribe Triticeae, which includes wheat, rye and barley.  Although in the past the basis of GFD was the avoidance of all gluten-containing cereals, including wheat, barley, rye, and oats (mnemonic BROW), recently, some authors have demonstrated that oats belonging to the Avenae tribe can be safely consumed by celiac disease/dermatitis herpetiformis patients. However, only oats known to be pure and not contaminated in any way with wheat, barley or rye (which is the case of the majority of commercially available oats) can be safely consumed.

Although GFD offers many benefits in the management of dermatitis herpetiformis, it is not easy to realize by many dermatitis herpetiformis patients. A GFD requires scrupulous monitoring of all ingested foods; it is time-consuming and socially restricting. Strict adherence to a GFD requires extensive knowledge of foods and diet, thus consultation with a dietician and involvement in dermatitis herpetiformis support groups are strongly encouraged. In general, patients following a GFD are advised to read carefully all food labels and to avoid products with unfamiliar ingredients. Many food ingredients (i.e. additives, cereal grains, natural and artificial colorings, emulsifiers, excipients, artificial flavorings, malts, hydrolyzed plant and vegetable proteins, monosodium glutamate, preservatives, natural and modified food starches, vegetable gum, vinegar) may be derivatives of gluten-containing products.



Dapsone represents a valid therapeutic option for dermatitis herpetiformis patients during the 1- to 2-year period until the GFD is effective; dapsone does effectively decrease pruritus and inflammatory lesions.  The pruritus of DH is relieved within 48–72 hours of instituting dapsone. The lesions abruptly recur within 24–48 hours of discontinuation of therapy. Unfortunately, dapsone has no effect on the intestinal pathology.

Dapsone is begun after screening for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency, with initial dosages of 25–50 mg in adults and 0.5 mg/kg in children. Initiation of therapy with higher doses may precipitate severe hemolysis and cardiac decompensation in susceptible individuals. The average maintenance dose in adults on a normal diet is 100 mg daily. The half-life ranges from 12 to 24 hours, so divided doses are seldom of benefit. The daily dose can be regulated on a weekly basis to optimize control. One to two new lesions per week should be expected on the optimal dose. Higher doses simply increase toxicity with little benefit.

Outbreaks of facial and scalp lesions while on otherwise adequate treatment can occur, but are not common. Facial disease may prove refractory to dapsone therapy. Breaking the vesicles followed by application of a potent corticosteroid gel may be helpful.

The mechanism of action of dapsone in dermatitis herpetiformis is through its effects on neutrophil function and recruitment.

Although there are many side effects of dapsone, the drug is well tolerated for years in more than 90% of patients. In particular, the commonest side-effect of dapsone is hemolysis and patients should be seen within 2 weeks after starting the drug as hemolysis may be acute in some individuals. Hemolysis occurs in virtually every patient on dapsone therapy, since sulfones produce an oxidant stress on aging red blood cells. In patients with G6PD deficiency, dapsone may produce severe hemolysis. Although most patients have evidence of drug-induced hemolysis, a compensated haemolytic anaemia does develop. Drug-induced hemolysis can be confirmed and followed by a reticulocyte count, which should show increased erythropoiesis. Of note, dapsone is secreted in breast milk and may cause hemolytic anemia in breastfed infants. In the setting of a persistent severe anemia, a search for contributing causes, such as iron, vitamin B12 or folate deficiencies or hereditary spherocytosis, should be performed.

Methemoglobin is present in the blood of most patients taking 100 mg of dapsone daily. Although the amount of methemoglobin usually does not exceed 5%, there are patients who have maintained levels between 10% and 15%. Methemoglobinemia in the absence of cardiopulmonary symptoms does not require alteration of dapsone dose. Patients should be warned that arterial desaturation may be noted by pulse oximetry, even with relatively low levels of methemoglobinemia.

Fatal agranulocytosis has developed in patients with DH treated with dapsone. This drug-induced agranulocytosis usually occurs after 2–12 weeks of continuous dapsone treatment. A hypersensitivity reaction involving the formation of leukocyte agglutinins seems to be the underlying mechanism. Re-administration of dapsone then causes leukopenia within hours. A simple measure is to warn the patient to discontinue the drug and report immediately if fever, a sore throat, or other signs of infection develop.

Dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome is a rare, but potentially severe, reaction, characterized by fever, a cutaneous eruption and internal organ involvement, which develops in about 5% of dermatitis herpetiformis patients 2–6 weeks after the beginning of treatment. The cutaneous manifestations vary from a morbilliform eruption to exfoliative dermatitis, while the systemic manifestations include, lymphadenopathy, hepatitis, an elevated ESR, leukocytosis, and, rarely, eosinophilia. Patients should be educated about this syndrome and instructed to discontinue therapy and notify their medical provider if any signs or symptoms of the dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome develop.

Peripheral neuropathy induced by dapsone may occur as early as during the first 4 months of therapy. Indeed, neuropathic signs can develop within the first few weeks of therapy. The neuropathy was initially reported as a pure motor neuropathy (involving primarily distal extremity muscles); however, pure motor, pure sensory and combined motor and sensory neuropathies have subsequently been reported. Relatively high daily doses of dapsone (200–500 mg) and high cumulative doses in the range of 25 to 500 g have been implicated.

Dapsone should always be used in combination with a glutenfree diet. With time, it may be possible to decrease and potentially withdraw dapsone without relapse, as long as the patient is able to adhere to the diet.

Dapsone therapy monitoring includes a baseline complete blood count (CBC) and liver function tests, then weekly CBCs for the first month, monthly CBCs for the next 5 months, and semi-annual CBCs thereafter while the patient remains on therapy. Liver function tests should be repeated at 6 months and annually thereafter. Some clinicians measure baseline G6PD activity in all patients, while others focus on those of African, Asian or southern Mediterranean ancestry.


Dapsone adverse effects

1 Toxic/Pharmacologic

·       Methemoglobinemia

·       Hemolytic anemia

2 Idiosyncratic/Allergic [Dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome]

·       General malaise

·       Exanthematous eruption,  Stevens–Johnson syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

·       Photosensitivity

·       Neurological effects: peripheral neuropathy, optic nerve atrophy, psychosis, headache, nervousness, lethargy, depression

·       Nephropathy: nephritis, renal failure

·       Hypothyroidism

·       Gastro-intestinal effects: nausea, vomiting, gastro-intestinal upset

 The main adverse reactions to dapsone, classified as toxic and idiosyncratic. Such adverse effects are usually dose dependent and more common in patients with comorbidity (anemia, cardiopulmonary disease, glucose-6- phosphate-dehydrogenase deficiency).


Sulfasalazine and sulphamethoxypyridazine

Sulfasalazine and sulphamethoxypyridazine might provide an effective alternative to dapsone especially when it fails to control the disease or the therapy is complicated by adverse events. The suggested dosages are of 1–2 g/day for sulfasalazine and of 0.25–1.5 g/day for sulphamethoxypyridazine.  Both drugs share common adverse effects, including hypersensitivity reactions, hemolytic anemia, proteinuria and crystalluria; thus, a full blood count with differential and urine microscopy with urinalysis should carried out prior to starting treatment and monthly for the first 3 months of therapy, and thereafter once every 6 months. However, the most common adverse effects are nausea, anorexia and vomiting, which can be prevented by prescribing the enteric-coated forms of the drugs. Adequate fluid intake and alkalinization of the urine minimizes the risk of nephrolithiasis.



While orally administered corticosteroids give poor results, application of potent or very potent topical steroids (especially clobetasol propionate) can be useful in the short term to decrease pruritus and itching.



Although their efficacy is not very high in the treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis, third-generation antihistamines with specific activity on eosinophilic granulocytes, classified as a third-level therapeutic option, may also be used to control pruritus and itching.




Dermatitis herpetiformis monitoring

Follow-up is necessary to confirm the diagnosis by an objective response to a GFD and to detect and manage non-compliance. Patients with dermatitis herpetiformis/celiac disease should be evaluated at regular intervals (i.e. 6 months after diagnosis and then yearly) by a health care team including a physician and a dietician. These visits can be used to assess, by history, a patient’s compliance with a GFD, to reinforce the importance of such compliance and to evaluate the possible development of intestinal malabsorption and/or dermatitis herpetiformis–associated conditions.  In general, monitoring adherence to a GFD with serological investigations (i.e. anti-tTG or EMA) is sensitive for major but not for minor transient dietary indiscretions. Table 1 lists the main targets in monitoring. Follow-up examinations recommended for celiac disease/dermatitis herpetiformis patients are summarized in Table 2.

Table 1

Indications for monitoring

·       GFD adherence

·       Possible development of an autoimmune associated disease (despite GFD adherence)

·       Metabolic alterations (dyslipidemia, non-alcholic steatohepatitis)

·       Possible development of neoplastic (lymphoma) or non–neoplastic (refractory celiac disease, ulcerative jejunoileitis, collagenosic sprue) complications

Table 2

Item list for routine check-ups

·       Physical examination

·       Dietician counselling

·       Serological laboratory tests (haemochrome, malabsorption evaluation: sideremia and ferritin levels, mean corpuscular volume, glucose, thyroid hormones)

·       Immunological and autoimmune markers (dermatitis herpetiformis– specific and non-specific auto antibodies)



Management algorithm for dermatitis herpetiformis

First line

·        Glutenfree diet

·        Dapsone 25–150 mg daily

·        Potent topical steroid

Second line

·        Sulphamethoxypyridazine 0.5–1.5 g daily (with glutenfree diet)

Third line

·        Sulphapyridine 250–750 mg daily


·        Sulphasalazine 1–2 g daily (with glutenfree diet)



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