

Salient features


·        The most frequent depigmenting disorder, affecting 1% of the population worldwide

·        Characterized by progressive autoimmune-mediated destruction of epidermal melanocytes

·        Typical presentation: patches of white skin and hair

·        Cause of physiological and social stigma among affected individuals

·        Increased risk for other autoimmune diseases, unpredictable evolution and unsatisfactory therapeutic outcomes

Vitiligo is an acquired disorder characterized by circumscribed depigmented macules and patches that result from a progressive loss of functional epidermal melanocytes.




Worldwide vitiligo affects approximately 0.5–2% of the general population. Vitiligo can begin at any age but in the majority of cases becomes apparent between the age of 20 and 30 years. Although patients with vitiligo may attribute the onset of their disease to specific life events (e.g. physical injury, sunburn, emotional distress, illness, pregnancy), with the exception of the Koebner phenomenon, there is no proof that these factors cause or precipitate vitiligo.






Different factors of vitiligo pathogenesis




Vitiligo is a multifactorial disorder related to both genetic and nongenetic factors. It is generally agreed that there is an absence of functional melanocytes in vitiligo skin and that the loss of histochemically recognizable melanocytes is the result of their destruction.


Pathogenic hypotheses for vitiligo


A primary challenge is the fact that what is referred to as vitiligo likely represents a heterogeneous group of diseases with different genetic backgrounds and environmental triggers.


The immune system clearly plays a central role, in particular Th1 and Th17 cells, along with cytotoxic T cells, regulatory T cells, and dendritic cells; key mediators include interferon-γ (IFN-γ), C-X-C chemokine ligand 10 (CXCL10), and interleukin-22 (IL-22).


Intrinsic defects of melanocytes and exogenous triggers may also play a role in vitiligo development. In addition, oxidative stress has been investigated as a pathogenic factor that could activate the immune response in vitiligo and underlie impaired WNT signaling that prevents melanoblast differentiation. Accumulating data highlight the complexity of vitiligo, with involvement of multiple cell types, including keratinocytes, fibroblasts, and stem cells as well as immune cells.


These hypotheses are not mutually exclusive and the various pathways may converge to induce the disappearance of melanocytes from the skin and hair follicles. However, the exact cascade of events remains to be elucidated.


Proposed model for the pathogenesis of vitiligo


Inherited genetic risk and environmental insults (e.g. monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone [MBEH], 4-tertiary butyl phenol [4-TBP]) induce melanocyte stress, exemplified by endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Stressed melanocytes signal to local innate and resident skin cell types via exosomes containing antigen and damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs), soluble heat shock protein 70 (HSP70), and other factors. These signals activate several cell types, some of which migrate to the draining lymph nodes and stimulate T cells, which secrete interferon-γ (IFN-γ). IFN-γ signals through the IFN-γ receptor (IFN-γR) on keratinocytes and/or other cells; this involves phosphorylation of the transcription factor STAT1 by Janus kinase (JAK) 1 and 2. Phosphorylated STAT 1 homodimerizes and then translocate in to the nucleus, where IFN-γ dependent genes such as CXCL10 (C-X-C chemokine ligand 10) are transcribed. Auto reactive CD8+   T cells that express C-X-C chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3) follow secreted CXCL10 to the skin, where they kill melanocytes. Approaches targeting this IFN-γ-STAT-CXCL10 axis that drives melanocyte destruction (e.g. with JAK inhibitors or antibodies against CXCR3) hold promise as potential treatments for vitiligo. ROS, reactive oxygen species; STAT1, signal transducer and activator of transcription 1; TYRP-1, tyrosinase related protein 1.


Double strike hypothesis in vitiligo

In 2010, Michelsen proposed a thesis known as double strike hypothesis in vitiligo, i.e. vitiligo is caused by a least two different major patho-mechanisms: an antibody based patho-mechanism and a T cell-based patho-mechanism. The antibody-based patho-mechanism is dominant in diffuse vitiligo, while the T-cell based  patho-mechanism is dominant in localised vitiligo.



Epidermis – complete absence of melanocytes and melanin pigment


A skin biopsy is rarely necessary to confirm the diagnosis of vitiligo. Generally, histology shows a marked absence of melanocytes and melanin in the epidermis of lesional areas. Histochemical studies show a lack of dopa- positive melanocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis. There is sparse dermal, perivascular and perifollicular lymphocytic infiltrates at the margins of early vitiligo lesions and active lesions, consistent with cell mediated immune process destroying melanocytes in situ. 


Clinical Features


The most common presentation of vitiligo is totally amelanotic (i.e. milk- or chalk-white) macules and patches with fairly homogeneous depigmentation surrounded by normal skin. The lesions can be round, oval, irregular or linear in shape. The borders are usually well-defined and convex, as if the depigmenting process were “invading” the surrounding normally pigmented skin. However, at their onset or when actively spreading, areas of vitiligo may be more ill-defined and hypo- rather than depigmented.


Lesions enlarge centrifugally over time at a rate that can be slow or rapid. Vitiligo macules and patches range from millimetres to centimetres in diameter and often have variable sizes within an area of involvement and fuse with neighbouring lesions to form complex patterns. In lightly pigmented individuals, the lesions may be subtle or in apparent without Wood’s lamp examination or tanning of uninvolved skin. In darkly pigmented patients, the contrast between vitiliginous areas and the surrounding skin is striking. Vitiligo is usually asymptomatic, but pruritus is sometimes noted, especially within active lesions.

Vitiligo often demonstrate a predilection for sun exposed regions, body folds and periorificial areas, although it can develop anywhere on the body. Depigmented macules are usually first noted on the sun- exposed areas of skin, such as face or dorsa of hands. These areas are prone to sunburn. Interestingly, it has a predilection for sites that are normally relatively hyper pigmented, such as the face, dorsal aspect of the hands and body folds (nipples, areola, axillae, umbilicus, groins and sacral and anogenital regions). Areas subjected to repeated friction and traumas are also likely to be affected, for example hips, digits, dorsa of hands and feet, flexor wrists, elbows, knees, dorsal ankles and shins. Facial vitiligo typically occurs around the eyes, nostrils and mouth (i.e. periorificial). Vitiligo on the palms, soles, lips and oral mucosa in lightly pigmented individuals may not be evident without wood’s lamp examination.


Clinical classification of vitiligo

Two major forms are generally recognized: (1) segmental, which usually does not cross the midline; and (2) non-segmental, also simply called “vitiligo” without qualification. Mixed vitiligo refers to segmental and non-segmental forms occurring in the same patient


The non-segmental form includes all cases not classified as segmental and is divided into three general types: localized, generalized and universal.


The following classification scheme divides vitiligo into two major types, localized and generalized




Distribution of amelanotic skin lesions in vitiligo





·       Focal vitiligo: characterized by the presence of one or few macule (s) in one area that are not segmentally distributed; considered a precursor form of GV.


·       The segmental form (uni, bi, or pluri segmental): characterized by one or more macules involving one or rarely multiple segments of the body having unilateral segmental/bandshaped distribution that does not cross the midline.


·       Mucosal vitiligo: a term reserved for depigmentation of mucous membrane alone.




·       Vulgaris: multiple scattered patches that are widely distributed in a more or less symmetrical pattern; the most common presentation of GV


·       Acrofacial or lip-tip type: periungual involvement of one or more digits may be associated with lip depigmentation; however, either can be an isolated finding.


·       Mixed:  combination of segmental and generalized (acrofacial and/or vulgaris) types


·       Universal: Complete or nearly complete depigmentation of the whole body, although a few pigmented areas always remain; the most severe form of GV.


Overall, >90% of vitiligo patients have the vulgaris or acrofacial variants of the generalized type. In the remainder, localized vitiligo is more common than mixed or universal vitiligo. Segmental vitiligo is more common in children than adults, accounting for ~15–30% of vitiligo in pediatric patients and typically remains localized and often stabilizes within the first year of onset, the depigmented lesions persisting unchanged for many years.


++Figure 74-1

Graphic Jump Location+++Figure 74-Graphic Jump Location+++Figure 74-3Graphic Jump Location++++Leukotrichia


As vitiligo often spares follicular melanocytes, the hairs in the patches frequently remain normally pigmented, but in older lesions the hairs too are often amelanotic. Leukotrichia (depigmentation of hair within vitiligo macules) is due to destruction of the melanocyte reservoir within the hair follicle, therefore, predicting a poor therapeutic response. The occurrence of leukotrichia does not correlate with disease activity. Rarely, follicular vitiligo presents with leukotrichia in the absence of depigmentation of the surrounding epidermis. Although vitiligo of the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes usually presents as one or more localized patches of white or grey hair (poliosis), scattered white hairs due to involvement of individual follicles or even total depigmentation of all scalp hair may occur. In general, spontaneous repigmentation of depigmented hair in vitiligo does not occur.


Specific Rare Clinical Phenotypes

 ·       Trichrome vitiligo is characterized by the presence of patches of intermediate hue (hypo pigmentation) between the normal skin and the completely depigmented skin. This intermediate zone has a fairly uniform hue rather than gradually progressing from white to normal. The number of melanocytes is also intermediate in this zone, suggesting a slower centrifugal progression compared with typical vitiligo.


·       Quadrichrome vitiligo is characterized by the presence of a fourth colour (dark brown) at sites of perifollicular repigmentation. It is more often encountered in patients with darker skin photo types.



·       Pentachrome vitiligo—the occurrence of five shades of color: (1) white, (2) tan, (3) medium brown [unaffected skin], (4) dark brown and (5) black.


·       Confetti vitiligo or vitiligo ponctué an unusual clinical presentation of vitiligo, is characterized by multiple, tiny punctate-like discrete depigmented macules on normal skin, sometimes superimposed upon a hyper pigmented macule.



·       Red vitiligo—the depigmented lesions have a raised red border and may be pruritic,  which is referred to as inflammatory vitiligo


·       Blue vitiligo— Blue vitiligo can result when vitiligo develops in areas already affected by post inflammatory dermal hyper pigmentation, the blue–gray appearance of the skin, which corresponds histologically with the absence of epidermal melanocytes and presence of numerous dermal melanophages.


·       Hypochromic vitiligo (vitiligo minor) was recently described in patients with skin types V and VI. They presented with persistent hypo pigmented macules in a seborrheic distribution, with lesions coalescing on the face and scattered on the neck, trunk, and scalp. A few individuals had additional achromic macules, and there was no history of prior inflammatory lesions. Decreased melanocyte density was noted histologically.


·      Although a hyper pigmented margin around a macule of leukoderma has been said to be specific for vitiligo, this is not a common feature.


One of the manifestations of vitiligo is the isomorphic Koebner phenomenon (IKP), characterized by the development of vitiligo in sites of trauma (e.g. a laceration, burn or abrasion). The IKP is more common in patients with progressive non-segmental vitiligo, but it can also affect those with segmental vitiligo. There appears to be a minimal threshold of injury required for the IKP to occur, bringing into question the hypothesis that minor trauma, such as friction from clothes (in the absence of true injury), can induce vitiligo lesions.



Comorbid Associations



Although most vitiligo patients are otherwise healthy, generalized vitiligo which is an autoimmune disease +is often associated with a variety of other autoimmune diseases, especially in patients with a family history of vitiligo and other forms of autoimmunity. +The most prevalent associated autoimmune disease is autoimmune thyroid dysfunction, either hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's thyroiditis) or hyperthyroidism (Grave's disease). Autoimmune thyroid disease occurs in ~15% of adults and ~5–10% of children with vitiligo. Other less frequently associated autoimmune conditions are rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, type 1 diabetes mellitus (usually adult-onset), pernicious anaemia, systemic lupus erythematosus, and Addison's disease. Halo melanocytic nevi, alopecia areata, and lichen sclerosus are additional autoimmune skin conditions that may be associated with vitiligo.



Vitiligo and ocular disease


The uveal tract (iris, ciliary body, and choroid) and retinal pigment epithelium contain pigment cells. Uveitis is the most significant ocular abnormality associated with vitiligo. Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada (VKH) syndrome, a multiorgan disorder that affects pigmented structures, such as the eyes, inner ear, meninges and skin andis characterized by vitiligo,especially of the face or sacral region + meningismus +poliosis + uveitis + dysacusis (otic involvement) + alopecia areata. The aseptic meningitis may be due to destruction of leptomeningeal melanocytes. The disease appears in the fourth to fifth decade and is more common in women and in persons with dark pigmentation.


Histologic examination of amelanotic skin, which classically appears after the extracutaneous symptoms, demonstrates an infiltrate consisting primarily of CD4+ lymphocytes, suggesting a prominent role for cell-mediated immunity.


Alezzandrini syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by unilateral whitening of scalp hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes as well as ipsilateral depigmentation of facial skin and visual changes. In the affected eye, there is decreased visual acuity and an atrophic iris. The pathogenesis of Alezzandrini syndrome is unknown, but it is believed to be closely related to VKH syndrome.



Childhood vitiligo


Vitiligo commonly starts in children, who are more likely to show segmental vitiligo. Although vitiligo vulgaris is the most common clinical type observed in children, the frequency of segmental vitiligo (~15–30%) is significantly increased compared to that in adults (<5–10%). The incidence of associated endocrinopathies is less than in the adult vitiligo population. Between 30 and 40% of patients have a positive family history of vitiligo in a parent, sibling, or child and those with a positive family history are more likely to develop vitiligo before 7 years of age.



++++Depigmentation Other Than Vitiligo


+In patients with vitiligo, local loss of pigment may occur around pigmented nevi, the so-called halo phenomenon and often progress to spontaneous disappearance of the nevus, presumably via lymphocyte-mediated destruction of nevus cells.





The diagnosis of vitiligo is based essentially on clinical examination. The distribution, age of onset and hyper pigmented border will suggest the diagnosis. +++The presence of a family history of vitiligo, the Koebner phenomenon, leukotrichia or associated autoimmune disorders such as thyroid disease can help to support a clinical diagnosis of vitiligo.


Wood’s light examination

Examination with the Wood’s light in a dark room accentuates the hypo pigmented areas (vitiligo area appears brighter and the normal skin appears darker) and is useful for examining patients with light complexions. The axillae, anus, and genitalia should be carefully examined. These areas are frequently involved but often clinically non apparent without the Wood’s light.




++Given the association between vitiligo and other autoimmune diseases, several screening laboratory tests are helpful, including T4 and TSH levels, antinuclear antibodies, fasting blood glucose, complete blood count with indices (pernicious anemia), ACTH stimulation test for Addison disease, if suspected. Clinicians should also consider testing for serum antithyroglobulin and antithyroid peroxidase antibodies, particularly when patients have signs and symptoms suggestive of thyroid disease.



Assessment of stability of vitiligo



Scoring system in vitiligo



++Clinical Course and Prognosis


The onset of vitiligo is usually insidious. Many patients become aware of the depigmented macules and patches, especially in sun-exposed areas, during the summer when tanning increases the contrast between involved and uninvolved skin. It is postulated that there is progressive, uniform loss of pigment until a discrete white macule is apparent, which is followed by centrifugal enlargement. Clinical erythema or pruritus rarely precedes vitiligo.


The course of vitiligo is unpredictable. It becomes more extensive by the appearance of new depigmented macules, enlargement of pre-existing lesions, or both processes. Peripheral hypo pigmentation and poorly defined borders appear to be predictive of active vitiligo. A spotty pattern of depigmentation may also represent a marker of progressive disease. The natural course of generalized vitiligo is usually one of slow spread, sometimes extending rapidly over a period of several months and then remains stabilized for a long period of time. Rarely, total body involvement develops within a few weeks or even days. In contrast, segmental vitiligo usually reaches its full extent within 1–2 years and remains restricted to the initial segmental area. Some degree of sun-induced or spontaneous repigmentation of vitiligo is not uncommon, but complete and stable repigmentation is rare. Spontaneous re-pigmentation is unpredictable, often clinically insignificant, and tends to be cosmetically unacceptable. It occurs in fewer than 50% of patients, most commonly in younger patients and in sun-exposed areas, where natural sunlight may act as an inducing agent. In clinical practice, the most frequently encountered pattern of repigmentation is perifollicular, though other patterns, such as marginal, diffuse, or combined may also occur. When the hairs within an area of vitiligo are depigmented, the former pattern is not observed. Some clinical parameters such as a long duration of the disease, occurrence of Koebner's phenomenon, leukotrichia, and mucosal involvement indicates of poor prognosis.


The presence of clinical markers including trichrome sign, confetti-like depigmentation, and Koebner phenomenon in vitiligo patients is associated with worse prognosis and rapid disease progression, a recent study in the journal JAMA Dermatology has suggested. The study further found that patients with multiple clinical markers may require more intensive treatment.








Vitiligo pathogenesis begins with altered melanocytes that exhibit an elevated cellular stress response. This triggers autoimmunity, which targets melanocytes for destruction, resulting in focal depigmentation. Repigmentation requires the growth and migration of melanocytes, typically from hair follicles. Thus, there are 3 goals to consider during the treatment of vitiligo: (1) reducing melanocyte stress, (2) suppressing autoimmune targeting of melanocytes and (3) promoting melanocyte regeneration. Current treatments, including topical immunosuppressants, phototherapy, and surgical approaches, partially address these goals in overall nontargeted ways.


Indications for treatment


Treatment is necessary for patients in whom the disease causes emotional and social distress. Vitiligo in individuals with fair complexions is usually not a significant cosmetic problem. The condition becomes more apparent in the summer months when tanning accentuates normal skin. Tanning may be prevented with sunscreens that have an SPF of 15 or higher. Vitiligo is a significant cosmetic problem in people with dark complexions.


The aims of vitiligo treatment are repigmentation and stabilization of the depigmentation process. Although there is still no therapeutic panacea for vitiligo, available options can lead to satisfactory results. The choice of therapy depends on the extent, location, and activity of disease as well as the patient’s age, skin type, and motivation to undergo treatment. In general, a period of at least 2–3 months is required to determine whether a particular treatment is effective. The areas of the body that typically have the best response to medical therapy are the face, neck, mid extremities and trunk, while the distal extremities and lips are the most resistant to treatment.








Mechanism of repigmentation

The goal of treatment is to restore melanocytes to the skin. Therapy involves stimulating melanocytes within the hair follicle to proliferate and migrate back into depigmented skin. Depigmented skin is devoid of melanocytes in the epidermis. Repigmentation is caused by activation and migration of melanocytes from a melanocytic reservoir located in the outer root sheath of hair follicles. Therefore skin with little or no hair (hands and feet) or with white hair responds poorly to treatment. Inactive DOPA-negative amelanotic melanocytes in the outer root sheath are still present. These cells can be activated by treatment to acquire enzymes for melanogenesis. They proliferate and mature as they migrate up the hair follicle into the epidermis and spread centrifugally. When a vitiliginous spot repigments, it repigments from the follicle and spreads outward and/or at the periphery of the lesions. This process is slow and requires at least 6 to 12 months of treatment. After therapeutic repigmentation, the rate of recurrent depigmentation of vitiligo lesions is ~40%.


Treatment perspective

All treatment options have limited success. For generalized vitiligo, phototherapy with narrow-band UVB (NB-UVB) radiation is most effective with the fewest side effects. Topical corticosteroids are the preferred drugs for localized vitiligo. They may be replaced by topical immunomodulators, which display comparable effectiveness and fewer side effects. The effectiveness of vitamin D analogues is controversial with limited data but they are felt to be the least effective topical treatment. The excimer laser is an alternative to UVB therapy especially for localized vitiligo. Surgical therapy can be very successful, but requires an experienced surgeon and is very demanding of time and facilities, thus limiting its widespread use.




Topical glucocorticoids

Corticosteroids (TCSs) are used as first-line therapy. Children respond better than adults. Head and neck lesions respond better. Topical corticosteroids are useful for localized areas of vitiligo.  Approximately half of patients with vitiligo affecting ≤20% of the body surface area achieved >75% repigmentation with either class 1 (super potent) or class 2–3 (high-potency) topical corticosteroids. Typically ultra-potent formulations are required for reliable efficacy, and most published studies have evaluated the class I steroid clobetasol. It should be applied twice daily and is preferable to use an intermittent regimen as cycles of 1 week on treatment followed by 1 week off treatment for up to 6 months to avoid local side effects (skin atrophy, telangiectasia, striae, hypertrichosis and acneform eruptions). For childhood vitiligo, a class II potency steroid with a good safety profile, like mometasone, is a good choice. Lower potency steroids do not have strong evidence to support their use. Treatment should be discontinued if there is no visible improvement after 2 months.


Systemic corticosteroids

Systemic corticosteroids can arrest rapidly spreading vitiligo and lead to repigmentation in a significant proportion of patients, but they may also produce unacceptable side effects. Oral mini pulse therapy with 5 mg of betamethasone/dexamethasone is reported to arrest the progression and induce spontaneous repigmentation in some vitiligo patients. To minimize the side effects, betamethasone as a single oral dose is taken after breakfast on 2 consecutive days per week. The progression of the disease is arrested in 89% of patients with active disease, whereas some patients needed an increase in the dosage to 7.5 mg/day to achieve a complete arrest of lesions. Within 2 to 4 months, 80% of the patients started having spontaneous repigmentation of the existing lesions that progressed with continued treatment.

Topical calcineurin inhibitors


Topical application of tacrolimus 0.1% ointment or pimecrolimus 1% cream twice daily initially for 6 months can lead to repigmentation of vitiligo, with response rates in paediatric patients similar to those achieved with topical corticosteroids. The best results are obtained when these agents are used for facial and neck lesions and combined with sun exposure, with the latter suggesting a synergistic effect. In addition, topical calcineurin inhibitors (TCIs) have been shown to enhance repigmentation when used together with narrowband UVB phototherapy or the 308 nm excimer laser. Topical tacrolimus can also be used in conjunction with topical corticosteroids on a rotational basis or as maintenance therapy after repigmentation. These medications are well tolerated and can be used for prolonged periods without steroid-like side effects. They are slightly less effective than corticosteroids. Nightly occlusion may enhance the effect on arm and leg lesions that were previously nonresponsive to topical therapy.


Vitamin D3 analogues

Calcitriol and calcipotriene are topical vitamin D3 analogues. As monotherapy, they are inferior to TCS. When combined with TCSs, repigmentation rates increase, and there is a greater stability of repigmentation compared with either as monotherapy.


Photo (chemo) therapy


Narrowband UVB


Narrowband UVB (NB-UVB) has become the first-line treatment for adults and children ≥6 years of age with generalized vitiligo, especially if it involves ≥5% of the body surface area or cosmetically sensitive areas that typically respond to treatment.  Narrow-band ultraviolet B light phototherapy is superior to ultraviolet A light phototherapy. Therapy should be stopped if no colour returns after 3 months. Patients who respond usually keep their pigment. Patients who have actively spreading vitiligo should not be treated; treatment does not halt the spread of the disease.

The starting dose of NB-UVB ranges from 100–250 mJ/cm2, which is increased in increments of 10–20% at each subsequent exposure until mild, asymptomatic lesional erythema is achieved. Treatments are administered 2–3 times per week, but not on two consecutive days. Approximately 9 months of therapy are required to achieve maximal regpigmentation; at least 3 months of treatment are warranted before the condition can be classified as non-responsive. Better results occur in younger patients. Short-term side effects include pruritus and xerosis; long-term side effects (e.g. cutaneous carcinogenesis) have not been described.

The advantages of NB-UVB over psoralen plus UVA (PUVA) therapy include shorter treatment times, a lack of gastrointestinal side effects, reduced phototoxic reactions and no need for post-treatment photo protection; in addition, NB-UVB can be used in children, pregnant or lactating women, and individuals with hepatic or kidney dysfunction. Furthermore, NB-UVB produces less accentuation of the contrast between depigmented and normally pigmented skin.


Psoralen plus UVA


Psoralen photo chemotherapy involves the use of psoralens combined with UVA light. Psoralens can be administered orally (oral PUVA) or applied topically (topical PUVA), followed by exposure to either UVA light or natural sunlight (PUVASOL).


Oral PUVA treatments using 8-MOP (0.4–0.6 mg/kg) are typically administered two times weekly. For patients with vitiligo, the initial dose of UVA is usually 0.5–1.0 J/cm2, which is gradually increased until minimal asymptomatic erythema of the involved skin occurs. To reduce the risk of the Koebner phenomenon, significant erythema (photo toxicity) is avoided. 5-MOP has about the same response rate as 8-MOP in repigmenting vitiligo, but a lower incidence of photo toxicity as well as less nausea and vomiting.


The response rate to PUVA is variable. PUVA resulted in greater than 90% repigmentation in only 8% of patients, usually inhomogeneous and weak repigmentation. The total number of PUVA treatments required is generally 50–300. Until more data are available, it seems wise to recommend 1000 J/cm2 as the maximum cumulative (P) UVA dose and 300 as the maximum number of UVA treatments.


PUVASOL (psoralens + natural sunlight) can be used in sunnier climates, according to the same principles as for PUVA. Less phototoxic oral psoralens such as 5-MOP are preferred, to avoid phototoxic reactions. As with oral psoralens, it may require ≥15 treatments to initiate response and ≥100 to finish. 

Topical (paint) PUVA is more difficult to perform because of the high risk of photo toxicity and subsequent blistering or koebnerization. A low concentration (≤0.1%) of psoralen should be used, which requires dilution of the commercially available preparation. Approximately 20–30 minutes after applying the topical cream or ointment onto the lesions, the patient should be exposed to initial UVA doses of no more than 0.25 J/cm2, with the same fractional increments until mild erythema is achieved in the treated sites.



Lasers and related light devices


Excimer laser and lamp


The operational wavelength of the 308 nm excimer laser and lamp is close to that of NB-UVB and is approved by the FDA for treating localised vitiligo. The therapeutic benefit of the excimer laser for vitiligo has been investigated in multiple studies, and, overall, 20–50% of lesions achieve ≥75% repigmentation; the excimer lamp appears to have similar efficacy. Only a few studies have directly compared excimer laser to NB-UVB, and some but not all showed superior results with the former modality. This may be explained by the excimer laser’s higher irradiance (power per unit area), which is thought to stimulate melanocyte development.


Localized patches of vitiligo are treated one to three times weekly with the excimer laser, typically for a total of 24 to 48 sessions; the repigmentation rate depends on the total number of sessions, not their frequency. In practice, twice weekly treatments for a total of ~40 sessions are thought to be optimal. As with other vitiligo therapies, facial and neck lesions respond better than those on the distal extremities and overlying bony prominences. This treatment produces optimal aesthetic results, with minor contrast between normal and affected skin. The excimer laser is similar to classical NB-UBV treatments, with the advantage of fewer side effects because only one lesion is treated at a time. Most patients who respond do not develop new areas of pigment loss. The appearance of new or enlarged macules indicates the possible beginning of treatment failure. Excimer laser is safe to use in children who have vitiligo. Totally repigmented macules should remain filled with 85% certainty; those incompletely repigmented are likely to reverse and depigment. Erythema and (rarely) blistering represent potential side effects.


Helium–neon laser


The helium–neon laser emits a wavelength (632.8 nm) in the red visible light range that can enhance melanocyte proliferation and melanogenesis in vitro. In a study performed in 30 patients with segmental vitiligo, 20% of lesions achieved ≥75% repigmentation after a mean of 79 treatment sessions, which were administered once or twice weekly.



Surgical therapies

For vitiligo patients who fail to respond to medical therapy, surgical treatment with autologous transplantation techniques may be an option. The general selection criteria for autologous transplantation are stable disease for at least 6 months, an unsatisfactory response to medical therapy, absence of the Koebner phenomenon, a positive minigrafting test (retention/spread of pigment at the recipient site and no koebnerization at the donor site after 2–3 months), no tendency for scar or keloid formation, and age above 12 years. PUVA may be required after the procedure to unify the color between the graft sites.

Surgical methods have been proposed as a therapeutic option in patients with stable vitiligo (e.g. segmental vitiligo). These surgical techniques are based on a common basic principle: to transplant autologous melanocytes from a normal pigmented area to the affected depigmented skin. Different surgical techniques for repigmenting vitiligo have been gradually devised and include tissue grafts (fullthickness punch grafts, splitthickness grafts, suction blister grafts) and cellular grafts (cultured melanocytes, cultured epithelial sheet grafts and noncultured epidermal cellular grafts). Lately, the use of hair follicle outer root sheath cells has been introduced and Grafting of individual hairs to repigment vitiligo leukotrichia has also been successfully performed. The three tissue grafting methods (fullthickness punch grafts, splitthickness grafts, suction blister grafts) seem to have comparable success rates in inducing repigmentation. Cellular grafting techniques were in general found to be nearly as effective, although the percentages of patients in whom repigmentation was achieved were slightly lower than with the tissue grafting techniques. However, cellular grafting can be used to treat larger areas and has in general better cosmetic results compared to tissue grafts. Furthermore, adverse events seem to be less frequent with cellular grafts than with punch or splitskin grafts.


Combination therapy

Combination therapy may produce higher rates of repigmentation compared to traditional monotherapies. Examples include phototherapy following surgical procedures as well as combining TCIs and/or topical corticosteroids with NB-UVB or excimer laser therapy. Although topical vitamin D derivatives are relatively ineffective as monotherapy, these agents may result in additional repigmentation when used in conjunction with phototherapy.



The technique of permanent dermal micropigmentation utilizes a non-allergenic iron oxide pigment to camouflage recalcitrant areas of vitiligo. This tattooing method is especially useful for sites known to have a poor rate of repigmentation with currently available treatments (e.g. the lips, nipples and distal fingers). Although the colour may not match perfectly with the normal surrounding skin and can fade over time, the result is immediate and can represent a dramatic aesthetic improvement.




Depigmentation represents a treatment option for patients who have widespread vitiligo with only a few areas of normally pigmented skin in exposed sites. Patients with more than 50% involvement of the skin surface may choose to remove the remaining normal skin pigment. The objective of depigmentation is “one” skin color for patients. The patients must be carefully chosen, i.e. adults who recognize that their appearance will be altered significantly and who understand that depigmentation requires lifelong strict photo protection (e.g. sunscreens, clothing, and umbrellas). The most commonly used agent is 20% monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone (MBEH). The end-stage color of depigmentation with MEH is chalk-white, as in vitiligo macules. The patient who may want bleaching with MEH is typically a skin phototype IV to VI. An occasional patient may wish to take 30–60 mg β-carotene per day to impart an off-white color to the vitiliginous skin. 


Monobenzone destroys melanocytes and can cause contact dermatitis. Therefore, an open application test can be performed before more widespread application; monobenzone should be applied to a single pigmented spot daily for 1 week. Thereafter larger pigmented areas are treated twice daily for 1 year or longer. Application for 3 to 4 years may be necessary. Patients may note an inflammatory response within the pigmented skin but not in the white skin. The monobenzone can be diluted to a 10%, 5%, or lower concentration for these patients. A group VI topical steroid may also be used to control inflammation.


Depigmentation is usually done in regions to limit drug absorption. Start with the face and upper extremity areas and then treat lower extremity sites. Truncal areas are last, and many patients choose to leave their trunk its normal colour.


It typically takes 1–3 months to initiate a response, and a loss of pigment can occur at distant sites. Although depigmentation from MBEH is considered permanent, repigmentation (especially perifollicular in areas with pigmented hairs) can be seen following a sunburn or even intense sun exposure. Monomethyl ether of hydroquinone (MMEH) in a 20% cream can be used as an alternative to MBEH. Side effects include contact dermatitis, exogenous ochronosis, and leukomelanoderma en confetti.


Depigmentation via Q-switched rubyand Q-switched alexandrite laser therapy was reported to achieve faster depigmentation than that achieved with a bleaching agent and this laser has also been used in combination with topical 4-methoxyphenol to induce depigmentation. Lastly, depigmentation with the Q-switched alexandrite laser has been described.


Psychological support

The impact of vitiligo on quality of life is severe in many affected individuals, and it is critical for physicians to recognize this aspect of the condition and address their patients’ psychological needs. Although a “magic” treatment is not yet available, there is always something beneficial that can be done for vitiligo patients. They first need to know what their skin disorder is. Explaining the nature of the disease process and the potential and limits of available therapies is important and more productive than a fatalistic attitude that there is no cure and vitiligo is “only” a cosmetic disorder. Even helping patients to conceal the condition so that it is not visible can be part of the management plan. The use of support groups and, if indicated, psychological counselling are important supplementary therapies.


Additional controversial therapies


Pseudocatalase with narrowband UVB


The rationale for this treatment is based on the hypothesis that accumulation of hydrogen peroxide leads to pathogenic inactivation of catalase in the skin of patients with vitiligo. In an open uncontrolled study, complete repigmentation of lesions on the face and hands was observed in 90% of patients (30 of 33) treated with topical pseudocatalase and calcium twice daily plus UVB twice weekly, with initial repigmentation at 2–4 months.


Systemic antioxidant therapy


The rationale for this approach rests on the hypothesis that vitiligo results from a deficiency of natural antioxidant mechanisms. Although to date not validated by controlled clinical trials, selenium, methionine, tocopherols, ascorbic acid, and ubiquinone are sometimes helpful.


Potential emerging treatments


Ablative laser treatment followed by narrowband UVB plus topical 5-fluorouracil or corticosteroids


In difficult-to-treat sites (e.g. distal extremities, over bony prominences), erbium:YAG laser ablation of vitiligo lesions followed by NB-UVB therapy twice weekly for 3–4 months, plus topical application of either 5-fluorouracil or a potent corticosteroid, was found to result in significantly greater repigmentation than treatment with NB-UVB ± the topical corticosteroid.

Similar studies have shown that treatment of recalcitrant vitiligo lesions with an ablative fractional carbon dioxide laser led to greater efficacy of subsequent therapy with NB-UVB , outdoor sun, and/or a potent topical corticosteroid. In order to minimize koebnerization, these approaches should be reserved for patients with stable vitiligo.


Topical prostglandins


Preliminary studies have suggested the utility of topical prostaglandin E2 and latanoprost (an analogue of prostaglandin F2) in the treatment of vitiligo. Although interesting, these results require confirmation.



Afamelanotide is a α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) analogue that stimulates melanogenesis and melanocyte proliferation by binding to the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R). A recent randomized controlled study found that the addition of afamelanotide (monthly subcutaneous implants) to NB-UVB therapy increased the speed and extent of repigmentation compared to NB-UVB alone in patients with generalized vitiligo, especially those with skin types IV–VI. However, afamelanotide-induced excessive tanning of non-lesional skin can increase the contrast with lesional skin, thereby reducing cosmetic acceptance in lightly pigmented patients. Additional studies are needed to determine the indications and limitations of afamelanotide therapy for vitiligo.


Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitors

Administration of the JAK inhibitors ruxolitinib and tofacitinib has been reported to lead to repigmentation of vitiligo. Further investigation is needed to determine how approaches targeting the IFN-γ–JAK–STAT1 signaling pathway that drives melanocyte destruction can be utilized to treat vitiligo.



General outline of management for vitiligo: therapy options, according to the clinical features


Type of vitiligo


Usual management

SV or limited NSV (<2–3% of body surface) 

First line

Avoidance of triggering factors, local therapies (corticosteroids, calcineurin inhibitors)

Second line

Localized NBUVB therapy, especially excimer monochromatic lamp or laser

Third line

Consider surgical techniques if repigmentation cosmetically unsatisfactory on visible areas


First line

Avoidance of triggering/aggravating factors. Stabilization with NBUVB therapy, at least 3months. Optimal duration at least 9 months, if response. Combination with systemic/topical therapies, including reinforcement with localized UVB therapy, possible.

Second line

Systemic steroids (e.g. 3–4month mini pulse therapy) or immunosuppressants if rapidly progressing disease or absence of stabilization under NBUVB

Third line

Graft in nonresponding areas especially with high cosmetic impact. However, Koebner phenomenon limits the persistence of grafts. Relative contraindication in areas such as dorsum of hands

Fourth line

Depigmentation techniques (hydroquinone monobenzyl ether or 4methoxyphenol alone or associated with Qswitched ruby laser) in nonresponding widespread (>50%) or highly visible recalcitrant facial/hands vitiligo 

·        A no treatment option (zero line) can be considered in patients with a fair complexion after discussion. For children, phototherapy is limited by feasibility in the younger age group and surgical techniques are rarely proposed before prepubertal age. There is no current recommendation applicable to the case of rapidly progressive vitiligo, not stabilized by ultraviolet (UV) therapy. For all subtypes of disease or lines of treatment, psychological support and counselling, including access to camouflage instructors is needed. NSV, non segmental vitiligo; SV, segmental vitiligo; NBUVB, narrowband UVB.



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