Components of normal human skin


Skin is the largest organ in the body. In a 70 kg individual, the skin weighs over 5 kg and covers a surface area approaching 2 m2. Human skin consists of a stratified, cellular epidermis and an underlying dermis of connective tissue, separated by a dermal– epidermal basement membrane. Beneath the dermis is a layer of subcutaneous fat, which is separated from the rest of the body by a vestigial layer of striated muscle.




The human epidermis averages 50 microns in thickness, with a surface density of approximately 50 000 nucleated cells/mm2. The epidermis contains four major resident populations: keratinocytes, melanocytes, Langerhans cells, and Merkel cells. Keratinocytes, the major population, originate in a stem-cell pool situated in the basal layer; cells that leave this pool then undergo maturation as they migrate upward, ultimately forming the laminated stratum corneum. Under basal conditions, differentiated keratinocytes require about two weeks to exit the nucleated compartment and an additional two weeks to move through the stratum corneum. It should be noted that keratinocytes have the capacity to increase rates of proliferation and maturation to levels far greater than this, when stimulated to do so by injury, inflammation or disease.


The skin is divided into 3 major layers: (1) the epidermis, which serves as a barrier to prevent loss of fluid and electrolytes and to protect against external insults such as chemicals and microbes; (2) the dermis, which provides structural and nutritional support; and (3) the subcutaneous fat. Adnexal structures, including hair follicles, sebaceous glands, eccrine glands and apocrine glands, are found within the dermis.





Histopathologic features of normal skin from three different anatomic sites.

A comparison of biopsy specimens from the arm (A), flank (B), and back (C) demonstrates the increasing thickness of the dermis. However, there is a similarity with regard to the presence of blood vessels and adnexal structures including eccrine glands.




The epidermal layers from the surface are: (1) the stratum corneum; (2) the granular layer (stratum granulosum); (3) the stratum spinosum; and (4) the basal layer (stratum basale). Under basal conditions, differentiated keratinocytes require about two weeks to exit the nucleated compartment and an additional two weeks to move through the stratum corneum. The basement membrane zone represents the junction between the epidermis and the dermis. Additional cell populations that reside within the epidermis include melanocytes along the basal layer, which supply melanin to the surrounding keratinocytes via melanosomes, and Langerhans cells, which serve as antigen-presenting cells. On the left lightly pigmented skin and on the right is darkly pigmented skin.


Melanocytes are derived from neural crest cells and primarily produce melanin, which is responsible for the pigment of the skin. They are found between cells of stratum basale and produce melanin. UVB light stimulates melanin secretion which is protective against UV radiation, acting as a built-in sunscreen. Melanin is produced during the conversion of tyrosine to DOPA by the enzyme tyrosinase. Melanin then travels from cell to cell by a process that relies on the long processes extending from the melanocytes to the neighboring epidermal cells. Melanin granules from melanocytes are transferred via the long processes to the cytoplasm of basal keratinocyte. Melanin transferred to neighboring keratinocytes by “pigment donation”; involves phagocytosis of tips of melanocyte processes by keratinocytes.


Members of the third major resident epidermal population, Langerhans cells, have the capacity to metabolize complex antigenic materials into peptides, some of which are immunogenic. Langerhans cells, dendritic cells, are the skins first line defenders and play a significant role in antigen presentation. These cells need special stains to visualize, primarily found in the stratum spinosum. These cells are the mesenchymal origin, derived from CD34 positive stem cells of bone marrow and are part of the mononuclear phagocytic system. They contain Birbeck granules, tennis racket shaped cytoplasmic organelles. These cells express both MHC I and MHC II molecules.  After activation, these cells traffic out of the epidermis toward regional lymph nodes, where they play a critical role in antigen presentation during the induction and regulation of immunity.


Merkel cells, which contain neuroendocrine peptides within intracytoplasmic granules, are oval-shaped modified epidermal cells found in stratum basale, directly above the basement membrane. These cells serve a sensory function as mechanoreceptors for light touch, and are most populous in fingertips, though also found in the palms, soles, oral, and genital mucosa. They are bound to adjoining keratinocytes by desmosomes and contain intermediate keratin filaments and their membranes interact with free nerve endings in the skin.

The most obvious function of epidermis lies in the stratum corneum, the semipermeable laminated surface aggregate of differentiated (keratinized) squamous epithelial cells, which serve as a physiologic barrier to chemical penetration and microbiologic invasion from the environment, as well as a barrier to fluid and solute loss from within.



Beneath the epidermis, a vascularized dermis provides structural and nutritional support. The dermis is connected to the epidermis at the level of the basement membrane and consists of two layers, of connective tissue, the papillary and reticular layers which merge together without clear demarcation. The papillary layer is the upper layer, thinner, composed of loose connective tissue and contacts epidermis. The reticular layer is the deeper layer, thicker, less cellular, and consists of dense connective tissue/ bundles of collagen fibers. The dermis houses the sweat glands, hair, hair follicles, muscles, sensory neurons, and blood vessels.


Dermis is composed of a glycosaminoglycan gel held together by a collagen- and elastin-containing fibrous matrix. Vascular structures, accompanied by nerves and mast cells, course through the dermis to provide nutrition, recirculating cells, and cutaneous sensation. Three additional cells, fibroblasts, macrophages and dermal dendritic cells complete the list of dermal residents. In pathologic conditions such as acute inflammation, the functions and types of dermal cells change substantially, with a variety of infiltrating leukocytes arriving via vascular routes. In fact, the composition of cutaneous infiltrates differs depending on the disease entity, which provides useful diagnostic clues.



The extracellular matrix of the dermis is composed of structural proteins (collagen, elastin) and a gel-like ground substance (glycosaminoglycans). There are also blood vessels that supply nutrition and recirculating cells, lymphatic vessels, and nerve fibers. Adnexal structures are also present, with variations depending upon body site. Other cell types present in the dermis include mast cells, fibroblasts, macrophages, and dermal dendritic cells.


Epidermal basement membrane


·       Basement membranes serve as: (1) a substrate for attachment of cells; (2) a template for tissue repair; (3) a matrix for cell migration; (4) a substratum to influence differentiation, morphogenesis, and apoptosis of epithelial cell layers; and (5) a permeability barrier for cells and macromolecules


·       By transmission electron microscopy, the major ultrastructural sub regions (from superior to inferior) of the epidermal basement membrane are: (1) the cytoskeleton, hemidesmosomal plaques, and plasma membranes of basal keratinocytes; (2) an electron-lucent region termed the lamina lucida; (3) the lamina densa; and (4) the sublamina densa region of the papillary dermis


·       In the “laminated” model of the epidermal basement membrane, keratin intermediate filaments within basal keratinocytes attach to small (i.e. <0.5 microns), electron-dense units (hemidesmosomes) on the basal plasma membranes of these cells. In turn, anchoring filaments (small thread-like strands) connect hemidesmosomes to the lamina densa. The lamina densa is tethered to the dermis by anchoring fibrils, units that by originating and ending in the underside of the lamina densa create ultrastructural loops that serve as attachment sites for fibrillar proteins in the papillary dermis


·       Acquired or inherited abnormalities in structural proteins within the epidermal basement membrane often result in a disease phenotype characterized by blister formation




Four major ultrastructural subregions of the epidermal basement membrane.


The major ultrastructural subregions of the epidermal basement membrane consist of the following: (1) cytoskeleton, hemidesmosomal plaques and plasma membranes of basal keratinocytes; (2) electron-lucent lamina lucida; (3) lamina densa; and (4) sublamina densa region of the papillary dermis.



“Laminated” model of the epidermal basement membrane.


In the laminated model, keratin intermediate filaments attach to electron-dense hemidesmosomes on the basal plasma membranes of keratinocytes. Hemidesmosomes connect to the underlying lamina densa (basement membrane proper) by small thread-like strands termed anchoring filaments. The lamina densa and the overlying epidermis are tethered to the papillary dermis by anchoring fibrils, a series of looping elements along the underside of the lamina densa that serve as attachment sites for fibrillar proteins in the papillary dermis. 


Subcutaneous fat

The Subcutaneous fat is deep to the dermis and is also called hypodermis. It is the deepest layer of skin and contains adipose lobules along with some skin appendages like the hair follicles, sensory neurons, and blood vessels. Fat is a major component of the human body and approximately 80% of fat is in the subcutis; the rest surrounds internal organs. In nonobese males, 10–12% of body weight is fat, while in females the figure is 15–20%. Fat comprises white and brown adipose tissue. The function of fat is to provide insulation, mechanical cushioning and an energy store. In addition, fat may have an endocrine function, communicating with the hypothalamus via secreted molecules such as leptin to alter energy turnover in the body and to regulate appetite. Adipocytes also have important signalling roles in osteogenesis and angiogenesis, and additional physical functions such as phagocytosis. Multipotent stem cells have been identified in human fat, which are capable of developing into adipocytes, osteoblasts, myoblasts and chondroblasts.




The skin is the site of many complex and dynamic processes as demonstrated in Figure and Table. These processes include barrier and immunologic functions, melanin production, vitamin D synthesis, sensation, temperature regulation, protection from trauma and aesthetics.

Figure: Cross-section of skin.


Table:  Structure and function of the skin



The epidermal barrier protects the skin from microbes, chemicals, physical trauma, and desiccation due to transepidermal water loss.  This barrier is created by differentiation of keratinocytes as they move from the basal cell layer to the stratum corneum. The keratinocytes of the epidermis are produced and renewed by stem cells in the basal layer resulting in replacement of the epidermis approximately every 28 days. It takes 14 days for these cells to reach the stratum corneum and another 14 days for the cells to desquamate. Keratinocytes produce keratins, structural proteins that form filaments that are part of the keratinocyte cytoskeleton. In the stratum spinosum keratin filaments radiate outwards from the nucleus and connect with desmosomes which are prominent under the microscope giving a “spiny” appearance to cells. As cells move into the stratum granulosum, keratohyalin granules composed of keratin and profilaggrinare formed. Profilaggrin is converted into filaggrin (filament aggegation protein) that aggregates and aligns keratin filaments into tightly compressed parallel bundles that form the matrix for the cells of the stratum corneum. Filaggrin gene mutations are associated with ichthyosis vulgaris and atopic dermatitis. As keratinocytes move into the stratum corneum they lose their nuclei and organelles and develop a flat hexagon shape. These cells are stacked into a “bricks and mortar”–like pattern with 15 to 25 layers of cells (bricks) surrounded by lipids (mortar). The lipids consist of ceramides, free fatty acids, and cholesterol.



Epithelial cells at the interface between the skin and the environment provide the first line of defense via the innate immune system.  Epithelial cells are equipped to respond to the environment through a variety of structures including Toll-like receptors (TLRs) of which there are at least 10, nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptors, C-type lectins, and peptidoglycan recognition proteins. TLR-mediated activation of epithelial cells is also associated with the production of defensins and cathelicidins, families of antimicrobial peptides.

Dendritic cells bridge the gap between the innate and adaptive immune systems. Dermal dendritic cells can induce auto proliferation of T cells and production of cytokines as well as nitric oxide synthase. The exact function of dendritic epidermal Langerhans cells is an area of rapidly evolving research suggesting that these cells are very important to the modulation of the adaptive immune response.  



Melanocytes comprise 10% of the cells in the basal cell layer. There is another population of melanocytes in the hair follicle that is responsible for hair color and replacing epidermal melanocytes as needed. Melanocytes produce melanin, a pigmented polymer that absorbs UV light. Melanin is synthesized from tyrosine in several steps that require the enzyme tyrosinase. As melanin is produced it is then packaged into melanosomes, a specialized organelle. Melanosomes are phagocytosed by keratinocytes and moved to an area above the keratinocyte’s nucleus acting as a protective shield from UV light. One melanocyte provides melanosomes for as many 30 to 40 keratinocytes. All humans have the same number of melanocytes. The variation in the degree of skin color is due to variations in melanosomes. Individuals with darker brown skin tones have more abundant, larger, and more dispersed melanosomes. Exposure to UV light stimulates the production of melanin within melanosomes producing a “tan.” Tyrosinase deficiency is associated with albinism and vitiligo is associated with absence of melanocytes.



The main sources for vitamin D are dietary intake and production of vitamin D precursors by the skin. With exposure to UV light provitamin D 3 (7-dehydrocholesterol) in the epidermis is converted into previtamin D that converts into vitamin D 3.  Vitamin D 3 is converted to its metabolically active form in the liver and kidneys. 



The skin is one of the principal sites of interaction with the environment and many types of stimuli are processed by the peripheral and central nervous systems. Initially, cutaneous nerves were classified as being either “afferent” controlling sweat gland function and blood flow or “efferent” transmitting sensory signals to the central nervous system, but after the discovery of the neuropeptide substance P (SP) and other neuropeptides in sensory nerves, many trophic properties of nerve fibers and neuropeptides have been reported.

There are 3 major nerve types in the skin:

• Aβ fibers—large, heavily myelinated nerve fibers that transmit tactile sensation

• Aδ fibers—thinly myelinated nerve fibers involved in the transmission of short and fast painful stimuli

• C-fibers—unmyelinated nerves that transmit pain and itch sensations

Mixed nerve fiber bundles form a plexus from which individual nerve fibers extend toward their specific targets. The first tier is underneath the epidermis and innervates the epidermis and cutaneous mechanoreceptors or the upper dermis.

The second and third tiers are located between the dermis and subcutis or in the deep subcutis and innervate hair follicles, the arrector pili muscles, and sweat glands as well as the lower dermis and subcutis. All 3 plexi innervate blood vessels, smooth muscle cells, and mast cells, thereby connecting different skin cell populations with the brain.



The skin helps to regulate and maintain core body temperature through regulation of sweating and varying the blood flow in the skin. Evaporation of sweat contributes to temperature control of the body. Under normal conditions 900 mL of sweat is produced daily. With increased physical activity or increased environmental temperature, 1.4 to 3 L of sweat per hour can be produced. The regulation of blood flow in the capillaries in the dermal papillae and other cutaneous vessels plays an important role in convective heat loss and heat conservation. Normally the blood flow in the skin is approximately 5% of the cardiac output, but in extremely cold temperatures it can drop to almost zero and in severe heat stress it can be as high as 60%. Dysfunction of thermoregulation can lead to hyperthermia and hypothermia.



The dermis varies in thickness from 1 to 4 mm. It protects and cushions underlying structures from injury and provides support for blood vessels, nerves, and adnexal structures. It is separated from the epidermis by the basement membrane, which is created by the basal layer of the epidermis. Collagen is responsible for the tensile strength of the skin and comprises 75% of the dry weight of the dermis. Defects in collagen synthesis are associated with diseases such as Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (hyperextensible joints and skin). Elastic fibers are responsible for the elasticity and resilience of the skin and are 2% to 3% of the dry weight of the skin. Defects in elastic fibrils can be associated with cutis laxa and Marfan syndrome.



The perception of an individual’s ethnicity, age, state of health, and attractiveness is affected by the appearance of his or her skin and hair. Sun-damaged skin, rashes, hair disorders, pigment disorders, and acne can have a profound effect on how individuals perceive themselves and others.




The epidermis is derived from ectodermal tissue. The dermis and hypodermis are derived from mesodermal tissue from somites. The mesoderm is also responsible for the formation of Langerhans cells. Neural crest cells, responsible for specialized sensory nerve endings and melanocyte formation migrate into the epidermis during epidermal development. 


Blood Supply and Lymphatics


Blood vessels and lymphatic vessels are found in the dermal layer of the skin. Blood supply to the skin is an arrangement of two plexuses, the first lies between the papillary and reticular layers of the dermis and the second lie between the dermis and subcutaneous tissues. Supply to the epidermis is by way of the superficial arteriovenous plexus (subepidermal/papillary plexus). These vessels are important for temperature regulation. The mechanism by which the body regulates temperature through the skin is very effective and works by increased blood flow to the skin, transferring heat from the body to the environment. The changes in blood flow are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, sympathetic stimulation resulting in vasoconstriction (heat retention) and while vasodilation results in heat loss. Vasodilation of the blood vessels is the response to increased body temperature and is the result of inhibition of the sympathetic centers in the posterior hypothalamus whereas decreased body temperature will cause vasoconstriction of skin blood vessels. 




Nerves of the skin include both somatic and autonomic nerves. The somatic sensory system is responsible for pain (nociceptors), temperature, light touch, discriminative touch, vibration, pressure, and proprioception medicated primarily by specialized cutaneous receptors/end organs including Merkel disks, Pacinian corpuscles, Meissner’s corpuscles, and Ruffini corpuscles. The autonomic innervation is responsible for the control of the tone of the vasculature, pilomotor stimulation at the hair root, and sweating. The free nerve endings extend into the epidermis and sense pain, heat, and cold. They are most numerous in the stratum granulosum layer and surround most hair follicles. Merkel disks sense light touch and reach the stratum basale layer. The other nerve endings are found in the deeper portions of the skin and include the Pacinian corpuscle which senses deep pressure, Meissner’s corpuscle which senses low-frequency stimulation at the level of the dermal papillae, and Ruffini corpuscles which sense pressure.




The arrector pili muscles are bundles of smooth muscle fibers that attach to the connective tissue sheath of hair follicles. When the muscles contract, they pull the hair follicle outward resulting in the hair erecting up but also compresses the sebaceous glands, resulting in the secretion of their contents. Hair does not exit perpendicularly, but instead at an angle. This erection of hair also produces goosebumps, the bumpy appearance of the skin. 


Physiologic Variants


Skin is continuously shedding and desquamating and varies slightly depending on the body region. There are more layers of cells in thicker hairless skin with an additional layer, known as the stratum lucidum. Overall, the process of cell division, desquamation, and shedding go as follows:

1.   Cell division occurs in stratum basale/germinativum. One cell remains, another cell is pushed toward the surface. Basal cells begin synthesis of tonofilaments (composed of keratin) which are grouped into bundles (tonofibrils).

2.   Cells are pushed into stratum spinosum. In the upper part of the spinous layer, cells begin to produce keratohyalin granules having intermediate-associated proteins, filaggrin, and trichohyalin; helps aggregate keratin filaments and conversion of granular cells to cornified cells, i.e. keratinization. Cells also produce lamellar bodies.

3.   Cells are pushed into stratum granulosum and become flattened and diamond shaped. The cells accumulate keratohyalin granules mixed between tonofibrils.

4.   Cells continue to stratum corneum where they flatten and lose organelles and nuclei.  The keratohyalin granules turn tonofibrils into a homogenous keratin matrix.

5.   Finally, cornified cells reach the surface and are desquamated via a break-down of desmosomes. Proteinase activity of KLK (kallikrein-related serine peptidase) is triggered by lowered pH near the surface.




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