Chronic venous insufficiency


Leg ulcer


A cutaneous ulcer is a wound that is associated with loss of both epidermal and dermal tissues. Chronic ulcers, which are due to a variety of systemic and/or local factors, can represent both a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The majority of ulcers occur on the lower extremities, and most are related to venous insufficiency/venous hypertension, peripheral artery disease, or peripheral neuropathy.





Neuropathic/mal perforans*


Medial malleolar and supramalleolar region

1.   Pressure sites

2.   Distal points (toes)

Pressure sites


1.   Usually shallow

2.   Irregular borders

3.   Yellow fibrinous base

1.   Dry, necrotic base

2.   Well-demarcated (“punched out”)

“Punched out”

Surrounding skin

1.   Yellow–brown to brown discoloration due to hemosiderin deposits

2.   Pinpoint petechiae (“stasis purpura”)

3.   Lipodermatosclerosis

Shiny atrophic skin with hair loss

Thick callus

Other physical examination findings

1.   Varicosities

2.   Leg/ankle edema

3.   ± Stasis dermatitis

4.   ± Lymphedema

1.   Weak/absent peripheral pulses

2.   Cool feet

3.   Prolonged capillary refill time (>3–4 seconds)

4.   Pallor on leg elevation (45° for 1 min)

5.   Dependent rubor

1.   Peripheral neuropathy with decreased sensation

2.   ± Foot deformities

* Most commonly due to diabetes mellitus.


Chronic venous insufficiency results from failure of centripetal return of venous blood and increased capillary pressure.

• The resultant changes include edema, stasis dermatitis, hyper pigmentation, fibrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (lipodermatosclerosis) of the leg, and ulceration.

• Venous ulcers are the most common chronic wounds in humans.


Venous ulcer




Venous leg ulcers (VLU)  are chronic skin ulcers at the gaiter area that result from chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). CVI is a complex disease of symptoms and signs based on an inadequate venous return, which leads to a decompensation of the venous and the microcirculatory function. They represent the most advanced grade and severest manifestation of this disorder. A venous ulcer with no tendency to heal within 6 weeks to 3 months or that has not healed within a year after optimum phlebological therapy is designated as therapy resistant. About three-quarters of all leg ulcers are generally considered to be mainly of venous origin.


CVI results from chronic peripheral venous hypertension caused by venous reflux and/or obstruction, or by neuromusculoskeletal dysfunction of the leg. Venous pathologies involve the deep vein system and/or the superficial vein system and perforator veins. Venous reflux can occur at the deep venous system – primarily or secondarily after deep venous thrombosis – or at the superficial venous system (long and/or short saphenous vein). Perforator vein insufficiency rarely occurs in an isolated fashion and contributes less to CVI and VLU than previously suspected. All forms of neuromuscular diseases and/or ankle and knee joint dysfunction can induce CVI and VLUs. The ‘C’ grading of the CEAP classification system of venous disease describes the insidious development of chronic venous insufficiency leading from ankle edema (C3) and reversible morphological skin changes in the early stages of CVI, such as stasis eczema  and early lipodermatosclerosis (grade C4a), over  irreversible morphological changes in late stages such as severe forms of lipodermatosclerosis (with a leg shape of an inverted champagne bottle) and atrophie blanche (grade C4b), to active (C6) or healed (C5) VLUs. Chronic and recurrent proteinrich edema and aseptic inflammation induce fibrosis and tissue hypoxia. VLU represents the highest grade of CVI. It can occur spontaneously as a result from dermal and epidermal hypoxia or after minor trauma to the trophically predamaged gaiter area.


Predisposing factors


Venous leg ulceration has a lifetime prevalence of 1%. The prevalence of venous leg ulceration increases with age. Chronic ulceration in those younger than 60 years is unusual and often related to severe deep venous insufficiency.


Risk factors for chronic venous disease include family history, age, female gender, obesity, pregnancy, occupations requiring prolonged standing, greater height, venous thromboembolism, varicose veins, ankle joint ankyloses and neuromuscular diseases with an impact on venous calf pump ejection.


Obesity is certainly a risk factor for venous leg ulcers. Obesity may cause venous hypertension and later venous ulcers, even without valve incompetence or permanent obstruction of the venous system. Dependency is another negative co-factor. The muscle pumps will not function due to immobility and consequently venous hypertension will occur. In both cases, the venous valves can be patent. This is also one of the important reasons to combine the classical physical examination with the technical investigations, especially duplex ultrasound techniques. The duplex examination is for this reasons best performed by the physician and a technician.



Factors causing venous leg ulceration


Pathways from vein to ulcer



The venous system of the lower extremities consists of an interconnected network of superficial veins, deep veins, and perforator or communicating veins which connect the superficial and deep systems. Throughout the superficial, communicating and deep veins, one-way bicuspid valves ensure unidirectional flow toward the deep system, thus allowing blood to flow in a cephalad direction and preventing reflux. It is primarily the contraction of calf muscles that drives blood from the leg toward the heart.

A.  Under normal circumstances, blood is pumped against gravity towards the heart by the calf muscles. Blood flows from the superficial veins to the deep venous system via the perforating veins. Bicuspid valves ensure the unidirectionality (one-way) of the blood flow.

B.  B When the valves are incompetent and/or hydrostatic pressure is elevated, blood flows back into the superficial venous system, leading to the formation of varicose veins.

During standing, as leg muscles relax, venous pressure in the legs may reach up to 80 to 90 mmHg. Calf muscle contractions, as during ambulation, transiently increase pressure within the deep leg veins, propelling blood towards the heart. When pressure rises within the deep system, the valves closes, preventing retrograde flow and transmission of high pressure to the superficial system. When the deep system empties, the deep vein pressure abruptly falls to <30 mmHg i.e. the venous pressure drops when the person is walking and the valves open, enabling flow from the superficial into the deep system. In all patients with venous disease there is failure of these one-way valves and this can result in varicose veins.

Once valves fail, high pressures generated in the deep veins by calf muscle contraction (in upright position) are transmitted to the superficial venous system and distally as far as the capillary system of the skin, causing capillary hypertension, and eventually leading to destruction of the nutritive capillaries. A sustained elevation in venous pressure is responsible for the typical clinical picture seen in chronic venous disease and is termed increased ambulatory venous pressure or venous hypertension or venous insufficiency.

The most common cause of valvular failure is thrombosis. The nidus for venous thrombosis is typically the valve cusp, and when the thrombus is lysed by plasmin, valve function is often lost as well. Calf muscle pump failure after deep venous thrombosis (DVT) is often referred to as the postphlebitic syndrome. In a large number of cases, long-term complications of deep venous thrombosis, the so-called post-thrombotic syndrome, may lead to venous ulcers. The post-thrombotic syndrome is a special part of CVI in which the underlining etiological event is a venous thrombosis. Estimates vary, but on the average, one in three patients who suffers from a deep venous thrombosis develops post-thrombotic complications in the subsequent 5 years. The chance of developing CVI after a thrombotic leg, thus a post thrombotic syndrome, is about 50% lower when medical elastic compression hosiery (MECH) is worn.

Additional causes of venous hypertension include venous outflow obstruction and failure of the calf muscle pump due to obesity or leg immobility.

The theories include the presence of pericapillary cuffs due to leakage of fibrinogen, binding of growth factors by leaked molecules, and the trapping of leukocytes with subsequent chronic inflammation, dermal changes and ulcer formation. TGF, transforming growth factor; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.


Although venous hypertension appears to be central to the skin changes seen in chronic venous disease, the exact pathogenic cascade from valvular incompetence to frank ulceration remains obscure. A few pathomechanisms have been suggested, but it is still unclear whether they represent causative factors or epiphenomena. For example, Browse and Burnand proposed that cuffs of fibrin around dermal capillaries (due to leakage of fibrinogen) could impede the diffusion of oxygen and nutrients to surrounding tissues and lead to degenerative skin changes. Falanga and Eaglstein postulated that venous pooling induced inter-endothelial space widening and deposition of fibrin and other macromolecules that then “trapped” growth factors, rendering them unavailable for wound repair.

The current predominant theory is that chronic inflammation plays a key role in chronic venous ulcers. In the setting of elevated venous pressure, there is entrapment of leukocytes within small blood vessels and the skin of the lower extremity (referred to as the micro vascular leukocyte-trapping hypothesis). These trapped leukocytes become activated and they initiate an inflammatory response that leads to cellular and tissue dysfunction, resulting in the dermal changes often observed in patients with chronic venous insufficiency.

Expression of specific adhesion molecules on endothelial cells attracts various leukocytes (e.g. macrophages, T lymphocytes, mast cells) into the dermis via diapedesis, where they further promote inflammatory responses via the release of cytokines and activated proteinases. Specifically, increased expression and activity of matrix metalloproteinase (MMPs) contribute to the breakdown of the extracellular matrix, which promotes the formation of ulcers and impairs healing. Elevated levels of cytokines such as transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) translate into increased dermal fibrosis and proliferation of dermal capillaries, respectively. Capillary hyper permeability and extravasation of red blood cells lead to deposition of ferric iron within affected skin, resulting in brown discoloration. A persistent inflammatory response can eventually give rise to ulcer formation, as continued production of MMPs and cytokines (e.g. interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha [TNF-α]) leads to impaired fibroblast function and increased degradation of growth factors necessary for wound healing. In addition, oxidative stress-induced premature aging and dysfunction of wound fibroblasts contribute to the chronicity of venous ulcers.



The Rotterdam model explains the pathways from venous hypertension to venous leg ulcer (clinical symptoms are in purple).



Clinical Features



The events preceding ulceration happen insidiously over many years and may be ignored by the patient. A history of thrombosis may be missing because most episodes of lower extremity venous thrombosis are clinically silent. Relevant inquiry related to thrombosis risk should include a family history of similar problems (suggesting perhaps a familial thrombotic tendency), any episode of leg immobilization including knee or hip surgery and fractures, and any head injury associated with loss of consciousness.

Most patients complain of leg swelling, and many have been given diuretics, though the edema of venous disease, unlike the edema in salt-retaining states, like heart failure, cirrhosis, and nephrotic syndrome, does not respond to diuretics. An edematous leg not responsive to diuretic therapy is a strong clue to the diagnosis.


Cutaneous Lesions

Very Early: Tenderness to palpation

Early signs:  edema, hyperpigmentation, and varicose veins.

Late signs: atrophie blanche, lipodermatosclerosis, and venous ulcers.

Once there is venous valvular failure, a rather predictable series of changes occur in the skin. The earliest (though not universal) physical finding is soft tissue tenderness, even of normal appearing skin, discovered when checking for the presence of edema by palpation. The early sign of chronic venous insufficiency is usually a cushion-like pitting edema (especially around the ankle). Edema is more pronounced in the evening and resolves overnight. Frequently one notes the appearance of pinpoint petechiae superimposed on a yellow–brown discoloration due to extravasation of red blood cells and deposition of hemosiderin within macrophages, which is sometimes accompanied by hyperpigmentation.

Varicose veins, dilated and tortuous veins, especially noticeable when the patient is standing, and smaller varicosities appear about the dorsum of the foot and ankle. Although they are usually asymptomatic, patients may complain of symptoms of aching, cramping, itching, fatigue, and swelling that are worse with prolonged standing.

Stasis dermatitis, characterized by relatively sharply demarcated erythema, scaling, pruritus, erosions, oozing, crusting, and occasional vesicles may occur during any stage of chronic venous insufficiency. It typically occurs in the medial supramalleolar region where microangiopathy is most intense. Over time, lesions may lichenify; can be complicated by secondary infection.

As 58% to 86% of patients with venous leg ulcers develop contact sensitization to topical therapies, it is important to evaluate for coexisting allergic contact dermatitis. Contact sensitization often leads to secondary dissemination. Patches of eczema arise in a strikingly symmetric distribution pattern, particularly on the anterior aspect of the contralateral leg, the anterior thighs and the extensor surface of the upper extremities; lesions may generalize to involve the trunk and face. Other pattern is asteatotic dermatitis (synonym: eczema craquelé). Frequent washing may cause extreme dehydration of the skin and a morphologically similar to eczema with a ‘crazy paving’ pattern appears.


Over a period of years, the skin, subcutaneous adipose tissue and deep fascia become mutually adherent and the skin begins to feel progressively indurated (chronic “lipodermatosclerosis”) due to fibrosis of the dermis and subcutaneous fat. This is a fibrosing panniculitis characterized by a bound-down, indurated plaque that begins at the medial ankle above the malleolus and extends circumferentially around the lower leg.  As the fibrosis increases, a firm circular cuff is formed which may constrict and strangle the lower third of the leg further, impeding venous and lymphatic flow and leading to brawny edema above and below the fibrosis. These late changes resemble an inverted champagne bottle or "piano leg.  Chronic lipodermatosclerosis may be preceded by an acute inflammation of the subcutaneous fat, and histologically there is acute septal panniculitis. Acute lipodermatosclerosis is characterized by warm, erythematous, mildly indurated plaques that are tender and painful and are often misdiagnosed as cellulitis (“pseudo erysipelas”).



Atrophie blanche is the result of decreased capillary density caused by microthrombi and matrix degradation causing hypoxia. There is an atrophic epidermis and a thickened, sclerodermalike dermis with proliferative dilated capillaries. Fully established lesions of atrophie blanche consist of irregular, smooth, ivorywhite depressed atrophic scared plaques with surrounding hyper pigmentation and punctate telangiectasias, often located on the lower legs. Usually multiple lesions (diameter 0.5–15 cm) are present. It is observed in up to 40% of patients with chronic venous insufficiency.


Acroangiodermatitis (pseudo-Kaposi sarcoma) has purple macules, nodules, or verrucous plaques on the dorsal feet and toes of patients with long-standing venous insufficiency and mimics Kaposi sarcoma clinically and histologically.

The venous leg ulcer arises either ‘spontaneously’ or often after a minor trauma. Venous leg ulcers can be painful. The complaints of pain are particularly prominent in the ulcerative phase of atrophie blanche or if accompanied by other factors such as an infection. Though venous ulcers are classically located above the medial malleolus, they are always found anywhere below the knee. VLUs are less commonly located in the lateral retromalleolar area (related to deep and short saphenous vein reflux).


Predilection sites of the venous ulcers are primarily the region above the medial malleolus (usually along the line of the long saphenous vein) or above the lateral malleolus (usually along the line of the small saphenous vein. The ulcers are sharply defined, irregularly shaped, relatively shallow with a sloping border, and are usually tender; the ulcer bed is often covered by a yellow, fibrinous necrotic exudates and there is always secondary bacterial colonization. If it is appropriately debrided, a red-base of healthy, non-ischemic granulation tissue is usually seen. When untreated, venous ulcers tend to become larger and can even become circumferential on the lower extremity. Venous ulcers do not usually develop beyond the fascias. If deeper structures (tendons, muscles, bones) are involved, additional or alternative causes must be considered (such as PAOD, diabetes mellitus, or vasculitis). Pedal pulses are usually palpable. If they are not palpable because of induration or edema, an ankle–brachial index should be obtained to exclude concomitant peripheral artery disease.


The changes in the skin in venous insufficiency are a result of changes in the macro- and microcirculation. It is unclear why an extensive lipodermatosclerosis is formed in one patient, whereas a atrophie blanche is prominent in another patient. Local factors possibly play a role in this and should be investigated further.



Laboratory Evaluation


Standardized evaluation of patients with chronic venous disease is based on the CEAP classification system which generates scores derived from objective clinical signs (C), etiology (E), anatomic (A) location of the affected veins, and pathophysiology (P) (reflux, obstruction or both).


CEAP (Clinical, Etiologic, Anatomic, Pathophysiologic) classification of chronic venous disorders



Clinical classification (C)

1.   C0: no visible or palpable signs of venous disease

2.   C1: telangiectasias or reticular veins

3.   C2: varicose veins

4.   C3: edema

5.   C4a: hemosiderin pigmentation, eczematous dermatitis (stasis dermatitis)

6.   C4b: lipodermatosclerosis, livedoid vasculopathy (atrophie blanche)

7.   C5: healed venous ulcer

8.   C6: active venous ulcer

9.   S: symptoms including aches, pains, tightness, skin irritation, heaviness, muscle cramps, and other complaints attributable to venous dysfunction

10.          A: asymptomatic


Etiologic classification (E)

1.   Ec: congenital

2.   Ep: primary

3.   Es: secondary (post-thrombotic)

4.   En: no venous etiology identified


Anatomic classification (A)

1.   As: superficial veins

2.   Ap: perforator veins

3.   Ad: deep veins

4.   An: no venous location identified


Pathophysiologic classification (P)

1.   Pr: reflux

2.   Po: obstruction

3.   Pr,o: reflux and obstruction

4.   Pn: no venous pathophysiology identified




1.   Vascular investigations

·       Assessment of peripheral arterial disease: It is crucial to evaluate arterial blood flow. A useful bedside screening test is to calculate the ratio of the systolic blood pressure in the ankle (as measured by Doppler) to the systolic pressure in the brachial artery (also measured by Doppler). This “ankle/brachial pressure index” (ABPI) is greater than or equal to one in normal individuals. Anything less than one is an indication of peripheral arterial disease. The lower the ratio, the more severe the arterial obstruction.


·       Assessment of venous pathologies: Duplex ultrasonography, preferably performed with the patient in a standing position, is useful for assessing both reflux and obstruction within the deep, superficial and perforating veins, from the inferior vena cava to the calf veins. It provides information that is necessary for determining the CEAP score. In general, venography is performed if an intervention is planned. Venography gives good morphological information. Ascending venography is recommended for patients with post-thrombotic disease as it gives a detailed anatomic map of the venous return of the lower extremity, whereas descending venography is helpful in assessing valvular disease and estimating reflux severity.

2.   Microbiology

In the presence of clinical signs of critical colonization and/or bacterial cellulitis and/or sepsis, wound microbiology must be analyzed. A swab from the wound base (after the removal of fibrin layers and biofilms) or a small tissue biopsy from the wound base – if feasible – yields more representative microbiology results than superficial swabs from necrotic material.

3.   Wound histology

If there is a suspicion of vasculitis, pyoderma gangrenosum, hypertensive ischemic leg ulcer, ulcerating malignant skin tumour or in any refractory chronic leg ulcer showing no trend to heal after 3 months treatment, a biopsy should be performed. A deep and narrow (3–4 mm wide) ellipse biopsy, usually 3–5 cm long and including the vital wound border and ulcer base, should be taken and sent for routine histology (H&E), direct immunofluorescence and cryoconservation for eventual further examinations. The body of the ellipse biopsy that is sent in for H&E histology should be left intact and sectioned lengthwise, in order to get a histological profile from vital skin to the ulceration, extending from the epidermis to the deep subcutis.

4.   Assessment of malnutrition

Total protein, albumin and lymphocyte count are sufficient to indicate malnutrition in the vast majority of cases. More costly vitamin and/or zinc measurements should be restricted to specific questions.

5.   Pain assessment

Pain should be assessed at regular (e.g. 4 weeks) intervals, with reproducible methods such as the visual analogue scale (VAS).



In the skin surrounding the ulceration, there is sclerosing panniculitis. The epidermis is acanthotic, while the dermis is thickened and fibrotic with an apparent increase of vessels (venules) at the level of the subpapillary plexus. The apparent increase in vessels is caused by multiple crosssections through tortuous subpapillary venules. The venules are elongated and have thick walls, changes caused by chronic venous hypertension. There is extravasation of red blood cells and hemosiderin deposits within macrophages. The chronically inflamed and fibrotic dermis expands and extends into the subcutis. The fascia is thickened and fibrotic; the leg muscles may show fatty degeneration. The ulceration itself is nonspecific, exposing fibrin and/or biofilm layers, granulation tissue and a mixed inflammatory infiltrate.



Recurrent ulceration is frequent. Any open wound provides a portal of entry for bacteria, and cellulitis, though infrequent, may develop at any time. Given that venous dermatitis may be extremely pruritic, and that these patients are easily sensitized to the topical agents they apply, contact dermatitis, especially due to topical antibiotics, is common. The skin is easily excoriated and may become infected. Many of these individuals are predisposed to thrombi, and recurrent episodes of venous thrombosis may occur.

All patients with advanced venous disease have some degree of lymphatic impairment. Loss of lymphatic drainage from the lower leg may lead to verrucous changes and cutaneous hypertrophy, elephantiasis nostras.


Prognosis and Clinical Course

The prognosis for healing areas of ulceration and inflammation is excellent in the absence of comorbid illness that interferes with healing. The vast majority of uncomplicated patients respond well to ambulatory outpatient therapy. Permanent changes include hemosiderosis and fibrosis that develop before the initiation of therapy. Loss of valvular function is irreversible. In the absence of continual lifelong cutaneous support in the form of inelastic wraps or elastic stockings, skin and soft tissue injury continues.




Treatment for all clinical manifestations of chronic venous insufficiency includes therapies that lower venous pressure and improve venous and lymphatic flow by mechanical means, dressings, drugs, and surgery. The initial step in the approach to an ulcer should be to address all systemic and local factors that may impair healing.


Moisture and occlusion


In the past, the mainstay of wound management was to dry the wound bed with absorptive gauzes. A major breakthrough in the management of chronic wounds was the realization that a moist environment is critical for wound healing and occlusive dressings do not increase the risk of infection. Moist retentive wound dressings stimulate collagen synthesis, promote angiogenesis by creating a hypoxic environment, encourage re-epithelialization, and decrease pain. By serving as a barrier against external contamination and by lowering wound pH, occlusive dressings actually decrease wound infection rates.

Dressings should be changed based on their potential for absorbency and the amount of exudate, with attention to the delicate balance between over hydration and excessive dryness. For example, occlusive dressings applied to highly exudative wounds may cause maceration and erosion of the surrounding skin, possibly leading to further deterioration of the wound. In addition, chronic wound fluid can perpetuate cytokine and MMP production, thereby affecting the function of fibroblasts and growth factors and contributing to chronicity. It is therefore important to protect the skin surrounding the wound bed with an ointment in order to preserve barrier integrity.




Debridement consists of the removal of necrotic, non-viable, or infected tissue from the wound bed in order to promote healing. In a sense, debridement is an attempt to shift the wound from a chronic state (with a milieu characterized by an abnormal extracellular matrix, an excess of proteolytic enzymes, and senescent cells) into an acute state. Debridement can be surgical (sharp debridement), mechanical (wet-to-dry), autolytic, chemical (enzymatic), and biologic (maggot therapy).


Sharp debridement with surgical instruments represents the most rapid method for debriding a wound and is most appropriate for large necrotic and/or infected wounds. It also enables the clinician to estimate the extent and severity of a wound. Although damage to viable tissue is possible, sharp debridement performed by a skilled physician is usually highly selective. Caution is advised in the case of arterial ulcers because of the potential risk for tissue desiccation and ulcer enlargement. Sharp debridement may be associated with bleeding and pain and may necessitate analgesia.


Wet-to-dry (mechanical) debridement consists of placing gauze moistened with saline over the wound, allowing the gauze to dry, and then removing the dry gauze along with adherent non-viable tissue. It is relatively fast and easy to perform, but is painful and does not discriminate between viable and non-viable tissue. It is indicated for wounds with large amounts of necrotic tissue.


Autolytic debridement is the process by which the body uses its own proteolytic enzymes and phagocytic cells to clear necrotic debris. The process is enhanced by moist retentive wound dressings and may require weeks to accomplish. Autolytic debridement is selective, painless, and suited primarily for wounds with minimal debris. It is contraindicated if the wound is infected.


Enzymatic (chemical) debridement utilizes topically applied proteolytic enzyme preparations such as papain–urea or collagenase to digest necrotic tissue, collagen, fibrin, and wound exudate. Chemical debridement is a gradual process. The papain–urea preparation contains papain, which is derived from the plant Carica papaya and is a non-selective cysteine protease. It is active over a broad pH range and is associated with an intense inflammatory response and digestion of viable tissue; local pain or a burning sensation is often described. Therefore, the product should be applied only to the wound bed and not to the surrounding intact skin. Collagenase preparations are derived from Clostridium histolyticum; they specifically target native collagen and are active within a narrow pH range of 6 to 8. These preparations are highly selective and do not harm viable cells. Prior to application, it is advisable to cross-hatch the eschar, if present, in order to increase penetration.


For therapy-resistant, chronic ulcers with marked necrosis and slough, maggot debridement therapy can be considered. Essentially, it exploits the ability of maggots to decompose necrotic tissue (benign myasis), but the debridement is done in a controlled manner so as to avoid undesirable effects on healthy tissues. Degradation via proteinases that are in larval excretory/secretory products is thought to contribute to wound debridement. It is important to select larval strains that feed preferentially on necrotic tissue and to avoid applying too many larvae to a wound. The flies most often employed are facultative calliphorids, in particular the green bottle blowfly, Luciliasericata.


Maggots are used to treat various types of chronic ulcers, including pressure ulcers, venous ulcers, and neurovascular diabetic ulcers, as well as traumatic and postsurgical wounds. In a multicenter, randomized, open study that compared the clinical effectiveness of larval therapy to a standard debridement technique (hydrogel) for “sloughy” or necrotic leg ulcers, larval therapy did not improve the rate of healing or reduce bacterial load, but it did significantly reduce the time to debridement and increase ulcer pain.


Novel approaches to wound debridement are currently under investigation, including both hydrosurgery and ultrasound- and radiofrequency-based techniques.


Wound dressings


The ideal wound dressing should: (1) provide a moist retentive environment; (2) absorb excess exudate without causing maceration of surrounding skin; (3) protect against bacteria; (4) leave no residual debris but cause no trauma when removed; (5) decrease odour; and (6) relieve pain. In addition, the ideal wound dressing should be cost-effective, easy to handle, and be neither irritating nor allergenic. Obviously, there is no single dressing that can fulfil all these criteria throughout the entire healing process. A vast array of dressings exists and the choice of a dressing depends upon the wound type and its characteristics at a given time


MMPs, matrix metalloproteinases.


Dressing type






Good absorption


Can be impregnated with:


-        NaCl to become highly absorbent, discourage bacterial overgrowth, and prevent formation of excess granulation tissue


-        petrolatum so less drying and adherent, but then less absorbent


-        iodine or silver as an antiseptic


Adhere to wound bed and promote desiccation


Can cause pain and trauma, including removal of epithelium, upon removal


Wet wounds with heavy exudate


May serve as a secondary dressing



Semi-occlusive, thin polyurethane membranes


Maintain moisture


Permeable only to vapors, not to liquids


Transparency enables wound visualization




Can cause maceration if applied to wounds with heavy exudate


Wounds with minimal exudate


As a secondary dressing



Maintain a moist environment


Promote autolytic debridement




Relieve pain


Can lead to maceration of skin surrounding wound if used in exudative wounds


Dry wound


Wound with minimal exudate



Adhesive, occlusive dressings that absorb exudates with the formation of hydrophilic gel


Provide a moist environment


Not suitable for wounds with heavy exudate or infected wounds


May produce a brown, malodorous exudate


May be traumatic on removal


Wounds with a mild to moderate exudate



Fibrous dressings derived from brown seaweed


Highly absorbent and require moisture to function


Ion exchange between calcium in the alginate and sodium in the wound fluid leads to the formation of a moist retentive gel




May adhere to dry wounds


May leave fibrous debris in the wound


Can lead to maceration around the wound unless cut to the size of the wound bed


Wounds with a moderate to heavy exudate


Undermined or tunneling wounds

Foams (polyurethane)


Good absorbance capacity


Non-traumatic upon removal


Provide thermal and shear protection


May produce malodorous drainage


Maceration around wound possible


Wounds with a moderate to heavy exudate



Collagen matrix that physically entraps MMPs and facilitates growth factor activity


Nonspecific inhibition of MMPs


Clean, non-infected, recalcitrant chronic wounds



Management of wound infection


The presence of a microbial infection is always detrimental to wound healing. However, all chronic open wounds are colonized with bacteria and it is important, although often difficult, to distinguish true infection from bacterial colonization. Of note, colonization is defined by the presence of replicating bacteria and adherent microorganisms, but without evidence of tissue damage.


Critical colonization is a relatively new concept in which the bacterial burden within a chronic wound does not elicit the typical symptoms or signs of an infection, but does delay healing. The presence of ≥106 colony-forming units of bacteria/gram of tissue predicts delayed wound healing and a high risk for developing an infection. More recent studies have demonstrated that in many chronic wounds, bacteria persist in the form of biofilms. The latter represent communities of bacteria, protected by an adhesive polymeric matrix cover, that communicate with each other via water channels. Through these communication channels, bacteria are able to regulate the transcription of genes and protein products in a manner that is beneficial to them, but which can delay healing (quorum sensing). Biofilms are particularly resistant to antimicrobial therapy.

Wounds become clinically infected when host defenses are overwhelmed. Signs and symptoms of infection include an increased exudate, purulent discharge, pain, and surrounding erythema and swelling. However, sometimes an increase in ulcer size and malodorous or friable granulation tissue are the only clues to the presence of an active infection within a chronic wound. Systemic signs of infection such as fever, chills, tachycardia, and leukocytosis may suggest that the infection has progressed to a bacteremia or septicemia, although the former may be subtle in elderly patients, necessitating a high index of suspicion.


Most chronic wounds have a polymicrobial flora. Bacterial cultures usually grow aerobic Gram-positive cocci, which are often mixed with Gram-negative bacilli and sometimes anaerobes. Clinically infected wounds should be cultured and treated initially with broad-spectrum systemic antibiotics. The antibiotic regimen is then adjusted based on the results of sensitivity testing.


In properly treated, non-healing wounds that demonstrate critical colonization, topical antimicrobials should be considered. Topical antimicrobial agents are divided into two major categories: antiseptics and antibiotics. Antiseptics have a broad antimicrobial spectrum as well as multiple microbial targets, but they are often toxic to host tissues. Topical antibiotics have specific cellular targets and a narrower spectrum of activity; they are not toxic to human cells but are more likely to induce bacterial resistance. Commonly used topical antibiotics include bacitracin, neomycin, mupirocin, retapamulin, gentamicin, and fusidic acid. However, topical antibiotics can cause allergic contact dermatitis, in particular neomycin and bacitracin. It is also preferable to avoid topical antimicrobials that have a systemic counterpart.


Commonly used antiseptics include hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, iodine-based preparations (e.g. povidone-iodine, cadexomer iodine), and silver-releasing agents. Hydrogen peroxide and povidone-iodine have a broad antimicrobial spectrum with minimal resistance but may be cytotoxic. Cadexomer iodine is a complex of 0.9% elemental iodine plus cadexomer microbeads which are composed of a modified starch-based polymer. Upon absorption of exudate, the cadexomer beads swell and slowly release iodine into the wound bed, thus maintaining non-toxic iodine concentrations.


Silver is an effective antiseptic agent with broad-spectrum activity, including against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE), and extended-spectrum β-lactamase producers. Resistance has rarely been reported, primarily with Gram-negative species. Only the ionized form of silver (Ag+) has antimicrobial properties, so exposure to wound fluid or exudate is required if the source is metallic silver. Silver ions kill bacteria by damaging bacterial cell walls and intracellular and nuclear membranes as well as denaturing bacterial DNA, RNA, and key enzymes (e.g. respiratory enzymes). Silver may also promote cellular proliferation and re-epithelialization by inducing the production of metallothionein by epidermal cells. Metallothionein increases zinc- and copper-dependent enzymes required for cellular proliferation and matrix remodeling. Silver has been incorporated into various dressing products (e.g. gauzes, hydrocolloids, alginates, foams) in addition to creams, gels, and barrier protectants which differ in their solubility and the rate at which silver ions are released into the wound bed. Disadvantages of silver products include potential irritation, permanent blue–gray discoloration (localized argyria), and cost. Topical silver sulfadiazine can cause neutropenia in children which is reversible once the cream is discontinued.


Lastly, as chronic wounds may serve as a portal of entry for Clostridium tetani, it is recommended that the tetanus immune status of patients with chronic leg ulcers be assessed.


Adjuncts to wound care



Compression therapy is a mainstay in the treatment of venous insufficiency. Compression stockings improve venous return, reduce edema, stimulate healthier granulation tissue within venous ulcers, and improve quality of life. A Cochrane meta-analysis of 39 randomized controlled trials concluded that compression therapy increased ulcer healing rates when compared to no compression.


Elastic stockings, preferably with graduated compression, are available in a wide range of compressive pressures (15 to 60 mmHg), lengths, and materials. Lower levels of compression (20 to 30 mmHg) are sufficient for preventing mild edema, whereas higher levels of compression (30 to 40 mmHg) are required to control stasis dermatitis or lead to the healing of ulcers. Compression stockings also prevent the recurrence of venous ulcers once healed. Therefore, lifelong use of compression is recommended for patients with a history of venous ulcers. In addition to stockings, there are other forms of compression such as bandages and wraps. Of note, surgical correction of superficial venous reflux (plus compression) does not improve ulcer healing but does reduce the recurrence of ulcers.


It is important to remember that compression therapy in patients with undiagnosed arterial insufficiency can lead to ulcer worsening, gangrene or even limb amputation. As many patients with venous disease have concomitant arterial insufficiency, clinically significant arterial disease must be excluded before prescribing compression therapy. The latter is also relatively contraindicated in patients with uncompensated congestive heart failure.





Pressure at the ankle



20–30 mmHg

Simple varicose veins

Mild edema

Leg fatigue


30–40 mmHg

Moderate edema

Severe varicosities

Moderate venous insufficiency


40–50 mmHg

Severe edema

Severe venous insufficiency

Post-thrombotic lymphedema


50–60 mmHg










Elastic wraps
(e.g. ACE bandage)

1.   Inexpensive

2.   Can be reused

1.   Often applied incorrectly by the patient

2.   Tend to unravel

3.   Do not maintain sustained compression

4.   Lose elasticity after washing

Self-adherent wraps
(e.g. Coban)

1.   Self-adherent

2.   Maintain compression

1.   Expensive

2.   Cannot be reused

Unna boot

1.   Comfortable

2.   Protects against trauma

3.   Full maintenance of ambulatory outpatient status

4.   Minimal interference with regular activities

5.   Substitutes for a failing pump

1.   Pressure changes over time

2.   Needs to be applied by well-trained physicians and nurses

3.   Does not accommodate highly exudative wounds

Four-layer bandage

1.   Comfortable

2.   Can be left in place for 7 days

3.   Protects against trauma

4.   Maintains a constant pressure for 7 days because of the overlap and elasticity of the bandages

5.   Useful for highly exudative wounds

1.   Needs to be applied by well-trained physicians and nurses

2.   Expensive

Graduated compression stockings

1.   Reduce the ambulatory venous pressure

2.   Increase venous refilling time

3.   Improve calf pump function

4.   Different types of stockings accommodate different types of leg disorders

5.   Dressings underneath can be changed frequently

1.   Often cannot monitor patient compliance

2.   Difficult to put on, unless have zipper or Velcro straps

Orthotic device

1.   Adjustable compression

2.   Sustained pressure

3.   Easily put on and removed

4.   Comfortable

1.   Expensive

2.   Bulky appearance

Compression pump

1.   Augments venous return

2.   Improves hemodynamics and microvascular functions

3.   Enhances fibrinolytic activity

4.   Prevents postoperative thromboembolic complications in high-risk patients

1.   Expensive

2.   Requires immobility for a few hours per day







Class I

Lightweight and conforming

Stretch and simple dressing retention properties

Class II

Also known as short stretch bandages

Act like rigid, non-elastic bandages

Used for light support

Class III


-        Class IIIA


Light compression bandages


-        Class IIIB

Moderate compression bandages


-        Class IIIC

Extra-high performance

Achieve 40 mmHg at the ankle

Useful for severe varicosities, severe edema, post-phlebitic syndrome



Manual lymph drainage


Edema is a significant cause of delayed healing of venous ulcers. Identifying the cause of the edema is instrumental in choosing the appropriate therapy, which in turn is critical for ulcer resolution. However, even with identification and treatment of contributing factors (e.g. after load reduction, diuretics), edema may be persistent.


Manual lymph drainage is a massage technique in which lymph conduits are contracted more frequently and lymphatic fluid is moved away from affected lymph edematous regions toward more centrally located, functioning lymph basins, and thereby reducing edema volume. This manual drainage is employed during the early, intensive phase of lymphedema therapy and is combined with short-stretch compression bandaging applied immediately after treatment. The regimen also includes a series of exercises to increase lymphatic flow through functioning collateral pathways, skin care, and sometimes the use of intermittent pneumatic compression. This intensive, short-term therapy is referred to as “complete decongestive physiotherapy” and is followed by a maintenance phase that consists of skin care, elastic compression, and exercise.


Topical negative pressure therapy


In topical negative pressure therapy, ideally performed using a vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) system, negative pressure is applied to hasten wound healing. It is used primarily for ulcers that are due to venous disease or diabetes. The system includes an open pore foam conduit (cut to the wound size) sealed with a semi-occlusive drape which is then attached to a vacuum source via a tube. When sub atmospheric pressure (100–125 mm Hg) is applied to the foam–wound interface (continuously or intermittently), accumulated fluid is transferred to a canister. Topical negative pressure therapy promotes wound healing by creating mechanical forces that stimulate a biological response while maintaining a moist environment. It also removes exudate, reduces edema, increases local perfusion, decreases the bacterial count, and enhances granulation tissue formation.


Before application, the wound must be debrided of necrotic tissue in order to prevent infection. Topical negative pressure therapy is contraindicated for ischemic wounds and ulcerated malignancies because it may cause necrosis of the wound edges and tumor growth, respectively. The foam should be changed every 48 to 72 hours. Sometimes, new granulation tissue grows into the foam, which can result in pain during foam changing. If this occurs, then the foam should be changed more frequently or a denser foam employed. In up to 25% of patients, there are complications such as pain, odor, peri wound irritation or maceration, infection, bleeding, and necrosis; most of these problems can be avoided with careful patient selection and skilled management.


Skin substitutes


Patients with recalcitrant chronic ulcers can sometimes benefit from autologous skin grafting, especially when the ulcers are due to venous disease. However, there has been an increase in the use of biologic dressings and synthetic skin substitutes in such patients. Living skin substitutes are tissue-engineered products that contain a cellular component of autologous or allogeneic origin plus a biodegradable scaffold, and they serve as a replacement for the epidermis, dermis or both. These skin mimetics provide temporary wound coverage, serving primarily as a source for growth factors and extracellular matrix. Although effective in wound repair, their clinical use is still limited due to their high cost and complex technology. In general, these living skin substitutes are indicated for venous and diabetic ulcers.


There are also biologic dressings that consist of just an extracellular matrix (i.e. they have no cellular component). Structural extracellular matrix components, such as collagen, fibronectin and proteoglycans, provide a temporary scaffold that supports cellular proliferation and migration. In addition, they contain cytokines, e.g. TGF-β, bFGF, which promote wound healing. These dressings are also used for diabetic and venous ulcers.

Another approach is a bio-inspired artificial hydrogelmatrix that utilizes natural enzymatic reactions to become bioactive. It is able to incorporate and then deliver biomolecules (e.g. MMPs, growth factors) and at the same time be degraded and remodeled by them, ultimately being replaced by newly formed tissue. Emerging therapies include application of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal cells and spraying of allogeneic fibroblasts and keratinocytes onto the wound.


Topical and oral medications


Daily, short-contact application of topical tretinoin solution (0.05%; currently requires compounding) is reported to stimulate granulation tissue formation and healing of chronic leg ulcers. Application of small amounts of 0.025% tretinoin cream is also observed to induce neovascularization in ischemic wound beds.

Pentoxifylline, a drug that targets inflammatory cytokine release, leukocyte activation and platelet aggregation at the microcirculatory level, is occasionally a component of the treatment regimen for chronic venous insufficiency. Although evidence of a beneficial effect when the drug is used as monotherapy is largely lacking, pentoxifylline has been shown (at a dose of 1200 mg/day), in conjunction with compression therapy, to modestly improve ulcer healing as compared to compression plus placebo. This effect has been attributed to the drug’s fibrinolytic properties, antithrombotic effects, and/or ability to inhibit the production of proinflammatory cytokines.

Ulcers secondary to livedoid vasculopathy may benefit from antiplatelet and anticoagulant agents including aspirin, low-molecular-weight heparin, and direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs), as well as fibrinolytics, vasodilators, and immunosuppressants or immunomodulators (e.g. IVIg).


Approximately half of patients with VLU suffer from superficial venous reflux which can be abolished by a variety of methods (flush ligation and stripping, endovenous thermo ablation, foam sclerotherapy), whereas patients with predominantly deep venous reflux have no benefit from superficial vein surgery. Refractory VLUs can be treated with skin equivalents or shave operation and splitskin grafts of VLU. VLU recurrence is common (30% in 12 months). Consistent compression therapy and the elimination of superficial venous reflux is the key to VLU prevention.






Summary of treatment of venous ulcer




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